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Endling: Extinction is Forever Hints on Xbox One (X1)

Last Updated: July 5, 2023

Here are our Hints for Endling: Extinction is Forever on Xbox One. The most trustworthy items get the most 'thumbs up' from our users and appear nearer the top!

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Search for Missing Cubs


To ensure the survival of all their cubs in the game, players must face a formidable enemy known as the Scavenger. This antagonist makes an appearance during the early levels of the game and snatches away one of the fox cubs. Every few days, players can pick up the scent of their missing cub and embark on a mission to track them down and rescue them from the clutches of the Scavenger. However, players must exercise caution because the Scavenger has the power to outright kill the player if they're not careful.

Set the Badger Free


As you progress, you will encounter a trapped badger. Given the importance of your choices, you might hesitate to release the badger, fearing that it could harm one of their cubs.

Fortunately, that's not the case. If you decide to free the badger from the trap and assist in reuniting the baby badger with its family, you will receive a trophy as a reward. Although the trophy doesn't have a significant impact on gameplay, it's a nice bonus for their efforts.

Hide from Owls


You'll quickly learn that owls are a force to be reckoned with. Although they're rare in the game, they can instantly snatch one of your cubs if you don't notice them.

The good news is that avoiding owl attacks is quite simple. When you notice signs of an owl's presence, like strange shadows, just crouch down, wait for it to pass, and then reassure any frightened cubs. By taking these easy steps, you can keep your cubs safe and prevent them from becoming owl prey.

Timing is Everything


Timing is a crucial challenge for players when it comes to obtaining food. When hunting your prey, you must pounce and attack at the precise moment; otherwise, the prey might escape, leaving their cubs hungry.

Fortunately, relying solely on timed hunting isn't the only option for securing food. You can also scavenge through the garbage in search of something edible for their cubs (though this may result in comical mishaps like getting a bag stuck on the player's head). Additionally, climbing trees and exploring other avenues can lead to alternative food sources.

Every Choice Has an Outcome


In the game, your choices carry significant weight, impacting both the player character and their fox cubs. Whether it's deciding when to hunt for food or where to seek refuge from humans, you hold the fate of their cubs in your hands.

These choices have consequences that can manifest immediately or in the future, directly affecting your experience. It's crucial for you to make mindful decisions to avoid any harmful outcomes and ensure the well-being of your character and cubs.

Keep Your Cubs Fed


Like any child, they need to be fed to grow. As you start playing the game, you'll quickly learn that your top responsibility is to feed and keep your fox cubs healthy. This should always be your primary focus.

Making sure the cubs are well-fed is crucial to their survival. If they don't eat, they will die. Additionally, prioritizing their nourishment is also key to keeping everyone alive. As you advance in the game, you'll improve your hunting skills, ensuring a steady supply of food for your cubs.

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