Disney Speedstorm Hints on PC

Last Updated: July 5, 2023

Here are our Hints for Disney Speedstorm on PC. The most trustworthy items get the most 'thumbs up' from our users and appear nearer the top!

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Beginners Guide


Complete the Starter Circuit

The Starter Circuit works to teach you the basics of the game. It allows you to try out different characters to get a feel for which ones match your playstyle. You can focus on mastering the skills of the racer and class you want to use the most. This circuit will unlock different game modes, earn rewards and figure out what they’re used for.

Ensure you do everything you can on the Starter Circuit before progressing through the game.

Get to Know the Different Classes

There are Four Classes in the game, and each gain boosts differently. Try each one to figure out which best suits your play style:

  • Brawlers – Can stun any racer they dash into and have a bonus to their handling stat.
  • Defenders – Gain a shield by dashing into other racers and a bonus to their Acceleration or Combat stats.
  • Speedsters – Gain an automatic boost after hitting another racer with a dash and have the highest top speeds.
  • Tricksters – Dashing into another racer will disrupt them, and they get a bonus to their boost stat.

Learn Where to Earn the Rewards You Want and What You Can Do with Them

The rewards and currencies in the game each have their own purpose and can be found through all the different game modes.

  • Season Coins – Earned through Limited Time Events. You can use them to buy upgrade materials and boxes from the shops.
  • Tokens – Earned through Seasonal Events.
  • MP Coins – Earned through racing in Multiplayer. You can spend them on upgrades and cosmetic items.

Head Starts Can Make or Break Your Game

Epic crew members will grant you a starting skill, and while it may seem small, it is a major feature in the game. The head start can help you avoid being the target of combat skills from other players, and you can get a skill pick-up before the other drivers,

Jumping is More Than Grinding Rails

While grinding rails to cover more distance on the track is incredibly helpful, jumping can be useful in other instances. Many tracks feature splits and a well-timed jump can ensure you go through the middle of this.

Jumping as you go over an edge is another beneficial tactic. It will cause another racer to hit the track first, making them the target of whatever projectile might be in motion.

Figure Out the Character-Class Combination that Works Best for You

Every character has a different set of skills (including their unique skill), stats, and Crew Members, meaning that some will be better than others and have a higher chance of winning. You should remember this when deciding who to practice with and develop.

It’s important to consider who you have the most fun with, not just who you are goof with. Use the balanced Regulated Multiplayer to see which of the racer’s skill kits you enjoy playing with the most.

Upgrade Regularly

While you’ll be fine in Regulated Multiplayer, Ranked races are a different story. You’ll need to regularly upgrade your racer as you progress through the game. As their base stats increase, their skills become more powerful.

Decide which racer you want to make your primary focus early on and funnel everything you have into that racer to get the most out of them.

Ranked Games Will Get You Unique Cosmetics

While some may prefer Regulated Multiplayer as it keeps things fair for all players, Ranker races allow you to collect cosmetic rewards. It’s a good mode to explore if you want a specific cosmetic. It operates differently from Regulated Multiplayer. Your racer will need crew members.

Don’t Waste Boosts

Your manual boost will build up differently depending on your class:

  • Brawlers – Charged by stunning other racers.
  • Defenders – Charged by racing in another racer’s slipstream.
  • Speedsters – Charged by hitting boost pads along the track.
  • Tricksters – Charged by drift boosting.

There’s a limit to what you can store, so ensure you time your boost usage well.

Know When to Charge

Unlike most racing games, each racer has a unique skill alongside a set of general skills. Most of them come in the form of either Normal or Charged. Ensure you know how to use each racer’s kit, what their normal and charged uses are, and which will work for your situation.

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