An Elmwood Trail Cheats on PC

Last Updated: June 9, 2023
An Elmwood Trail
  • Category: Main Game
  • First Released: Mar 30, 2023
  • Genres: Puzzle, Adventure, Visual Novel
  • Themes: Mystery

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References Made Throughout the Game

Easter Eggs

The Room 101

In one of the rooms in the game, you can find a book titled "The Art of War" by Sun Tzu. If you read the book, you will find Room 101, a fictional room from the novel "1984" by George Orwell.

The Twin Peaks

In one of the conversations, you can mention that you grew up in Twin Peaks, Washington. This is a reference to the popular TV show "Twin Peaks."

The Shining

In one of the rooms, you can find a book titled "The Shining" by Stephen King. If you read the book, you will find a reference to the Overlook Hotel, a fictional hotel from the novel "The Shining."

The Pulp Fiction

In one of the conversations, you can mention that you like to watch Pulp Fiction. This is a reference to the popular movie "Pulp Fiction."

The Back to the Future

In one of the rooms, you can find a DeLorean time machine. You will be transported back to 1985 if you interact with the DeLorean.

The Matrix

In one of the rooms, you can find a green pill and a red pill. If you take the red pill, you will be transported to a strange new world.

The Truman Show

In one of the rooms, you can find a TV with a live feed of the town of Elmwood. If you watch the TV for long enough, you will start to see strange things happening.

Useful Unlockable Items


The Detective's Badge

The Detective's Badge is an unlockable item in Elmwood Trail. You can obtain it by completing the game on the hardest difficulty setting. The Detective's Badge gives you several perks, including increased health, damage, and accuracy.

Complete the game on the hardest difficulty setting to unlock The Detective's Badge.

The Hard Hat

The Hard Hat is an unlockable item in Elmwood Trail. You can obtain it by completing the game without dying. The Hard Hat gives you a damage reduction, making you more difficult to kill.

Complete the game without dying to unlock The Hard Hat

The Speed Boots

The Speed Boots are an unlockable item in Elmwood Trail. You can obtain it by completing the game in under 2 hours. The Speed Boots give you a speed boost, allowing you to move around the game world faster.

Complete the game in under 2 hours to unlock The Speed Boots

The Invisibility Cloak

The Invisibility Cloak is an unlockable item in Elmwood Trail. You can obtain it by finding all 100 hidden items in the game. The Invisibility Cloak allows you to become invisible, making you undetectable to enemies.

Find all 100 hidden items in the game to unlock The Invisibility Cloak

The Golden Gun

The Golden Gun is an unlockable item in Elmwood Trail. You can obtain it by completing all of the game's challenges. The Golden Gun is a powerful weapon that can kill enemies in a single shot.

Complete all of the game's challenges to unlock The Golden Gun.

How to Improve Your Gameplay


1. Explore Everywhere

The town of Elmwood is full of hidden places, and some of them contain important clues or items that you will need to solve the case. Explore every nook and cranny, as you never know where you might find something useful.

2. Talk to Everyone

The characters in Elmwood Trail are often willing to share information about the town, including hidden secrets. Talk to everyone you can, as you never know where you might learn something new.

3. Read Everything

The books, newspapers, and other documents in Elmwood Trail often contain important clues or information. Read everything you can find, as you never know where you might find something useful.

4. Be Thorough

Elmwood Trail is a very detailed game, and there are many things that you can miss if you are not careful. Pay attention to everything, as even the smallest detail could be important.

5. Don't Be Afraid to Experiment

Elmwood Trail is a game that allows you to explore different paths and make your own choices. Feel free to experiment with different options; you never know what you might discover.

How to Solve Puzzles 1 - 5


Puzzle 1: The Missing Key

To solve this puzzle, you must find the missing key. It is located in the attic of the old house. To get to the attic, you must climb the ladder in the bedroom. Once you are in the attic, you will find the key on a shelf.

Puzzle 2: The Locked Door

To solve this puzzle, you must find the key to the locked door. The key is located in the basement of the old house. You must go through the kitchen and down the stairs to get to the basement. Once in the basement, you will find the key in a chest.

Puzzle 3: The Maze

To solve this puzzle, you must find your way through the maze. The maze is located in the woods behind the old house. To find your way through the maze, you must follow the path. The path will lead you to the exit of the maze.

Puzzle 4: The Treasure Chest

To solve this puzzle, you must find the key to the treasure chest. The key is located in the garden of the old house. You must go through the front door and down the steps to get to the garden. Once in the garden, you will find the key under a flowerpot.

Puzzle 5: The Riddle

To solve this puzzle, you must answer the riddle. The riddle is located on a signpost in the woods and reads as follows:

What has roots as nobody sees, is taller than trees, up, up it goes, and yet never grows?

The answer to the riddle is a mountain.

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Name  of  her  cat
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