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Grand Mountain Adventure System Requirements

Minimum Requirements

  • OS : Windows 10 64 bit
  • Memory : 4 GB RAM
  • OS : Windows 10 64 bit
  • Memory : 8 GB RAM

Memory Requirements

It is recommended that you have a minimum of 4 GB RAM to run Grand Mountain Adventure. The recommended amount of memory for the best game experience is 8 GB RAM (or more).

Having more than the recommended level of RAM for a game will usually not yield much extra gaming performance. However it may be useful if your computer runs other applications in the background.

Operating System Requirements

Grand Mountain Adventure runs on Windows 10 64 bit. The recommended operating system the best compatability is Windows 10 64 bit.

Meeting operating system requirements is not always necessary and can sometimes be overlooked. However running an old operating system will usually mean you may have to install extra drivers and encounter unsupported game crashes.


Grand Mountain Adventure was first released on Jun 12, 2019. It is currently available on the following platforms:

  • Android
  • iOS

An alternative to expensive graphics cards and CPU purchases is console gaming. You may not get the absolute best frame rates or visual quality but if a game is available for a console you can usually be sure of an acceptable level of performance at all times.