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Roots of Pacha Подсказки на Xbox Series X (XboxSX)

Последнее обновление: 21 апреля 2023 г.

Вот наши Подсказки для Roots of Pacha на Xbox Series X. Самые надежные предметы получают больше всего «больших пальцев вверх» от наших пользователей и появляются ближе к вершине!

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Easy Contribution Points


Contribution points can be difficult to gain early in the game and are extremely helpful for your character’s journey. However, because they are such an important element to the game, they are not so simple to claim. 


Fishing is a decent way to gain contribution points, as it does not take too much time and concentration to grab a couple of fish, depending on the rarity/type of fish you. You can exchange each fish for 8-12 Contribution points.


Crafting seems to be the most efficient strategy in the game to gain as many contribution points as you need. Certain crafting methods may be faster than others, but the contribution point range to over 20 points sometimes per craft.

The four options to craft currently are:

Mortar and Presti- A hollow rock with a heavy blunt club used to grind things, such as Wheat.

Fermenter - A wooden container that makes things bubbly and smelly, such as Dough 

Oven- Made out of clay. It can reach high temperatures and cook food for perfection, though sometimes it can burn too. Used to make bread.

Solar Dryer- Quro, with its powerful rays, can dry produce to preserve it better, used to dry certain harvests and fish. 


Farming is one of the main elements of the game and can help you gain many contribution points. Farming is a low effort but takes some time. 

Beetroot, Potatoes, Tomatoes, and Wheat will provide you with an average amount of Contribution points, as these are Tier 1 plants. 

Garlic, Pumpkin, and Quinoa will provide you with nearly double the contributions points than the other plants as these are Tier 2 plants.

Wild items

All Wild Item is worth 5 contribution points, It is preferable to use other methods

Remember the game is still in early access and this may change before the release date in 2022

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