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eFootball 2022 Подсказки на Xbox Series X (XboxSX)

Последнее обновление: 5 июня 2023 г.

Вот наши Подсказки для eFootball 2022 на Xbox Series X. Самые надежные предметы получают больше всего «больших пальцев вверх» от наших пользователей и появляются ближе к вершине!

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Run Diagonal off the wing


When you are attacking and in your opponent's half. You must spread the ball wide to your wings.

Once your wings have received the ball and they are on the outside, you must sprint or run at a diagonal. This is hard for an opponent to defend.

After running diagonally off the wing, you must pay attention to your players that are in front of you. If they raise their hand, it means they are open, and you must pass to them.

This will allow you to create a perfect ball and have an opportunity to score.

E for Bal Man shows you some tips and tricks on defence and attack

Close control


You must use the control "R1" or your right bumper, and it will activate close control.

This will draw other player's to your playmaker and open gaps for another player to run through.

Once you pass to the player that is now in open space, you will have beaten a few defenders and will be on the advantage to score.

Maintain possession


It is important to maintain possession and keep the ball for as long as possible. Having possession will frustrate your opponent and lead to them making mistakes on defense.

Your opponent's scoring opportunities will be limited if you have possession.

You must use "safe passes" when passing from one teammate to another. This is little risk football, and you will be able to build your attack carefully.

You will notice that when you hold possession and pass out wide, your striker will drop off from attack mode.

This will enable you to control when your striker will make their run.

Spoony Pizza shares some tips and hints for eFootball 2022.

How to Improve Your Gameplay


Practice and Master the Basics

Start by familiarizing yourself with the game's controls and mechanics. Spend time in training modes to improve your passing, shooting, and player movement skills. Mastering the fundamentals will give you a strong foundation for more advanced strategies.

Understand the Teams and Players

Take the time to study and understand the teams and players in eFootball 2022. Each team has its strengths, weaknesses, and playstyles, and knowing the abilities and attributes of individual players can help you make strategic decisions during matches.

Formulate a Game Plan

Before each match, devise a game plan based on your team's strengths and the opponent's weaknesses. Adjust your tactics, formations, and player positions accordingly. Having a well-thought-out plan will give you a tactical advantage on the field.

Focus on Possession and Passing

Possession-based play can be effective in eFootball 2022. Maintain control of the ball by making accurate and strategic passes. Look for opportunities to exploit gaps in the opponent's defense and create scoring chances.

Utilize Skill Moves 

Mastering skill moves can give you an edge in one-on-one situations and help you create opportunities. Practice and learn different skill moves to dribble past defenders, create space, and score goals.

Defense and Tackling

Pay attention to defensive positioning and timing when making tackles. Use controlled tackling to regain possession without committing unnecessary fouls. Correctly positioning your defenders can help intercept passes and prevent opponents from scoring.

Team Chemistry

Build team chemistry by selecting players who complement each other's playstyles. This will enhance the coordination and effectiveness of your team's movements on the field. Experiment with different player combinations to find the right chemistry for your team.

Analyze and Learn from Matches

After each match, review the gameplay and analyze your performance. Identify areas for improvement, such as weak spots in defense or missed scoring opportunities. Learning from your mistakes will help you develop as a player.

Play Online and Compete

Test your skills against other players online. Participate in tournaments, leagues, or friendly matches to challenge yourself and gain experience. Playing against human opponents will provide a more dynamic and challenging experience than AI-controlled teams.

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