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Destiny: Rise Of Iron Коды на Xbox One (X1)

Последнее обновление: 2 июля 2018 г.
Destiny: Rise Of Iron
  • Впервые выпущен: Sep 19, 2016
  • Жанры: Shooter, Role-playing (RPG), Adventure

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Randal the Vandal

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At the Forgotten Shore in Destiny, there was a Fallen Reaver Vandal who spawns with unusually high health and attack. Players ended up nicknaming him “Randal the Vandal.” In Rise of Iron’s Wrath of the Machine raid, there is an unusually strong Devil Splicer named “Rahndel, the Perfected.” This is most likely a reference to Randal the Vandal.

Howling Wolves

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When you honk the horn of the Iron Gjallarwing Sparrow, sometimes a pack of wolves will howl in response instead of a single wolf.

Dog Face

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In the Iron Tomb story mission, if you look up through the windows at a certain angle, you can see what appears to be a dog’s face. It could be a coincidence, but the dog’s shape is well-defined enough that it might be an intentional Easter egg.

Final All 30 Dormant SIVA Clusters


There are 30 Dormant SIVA Clusters throughout Rise of Iron. Look for a red glow. There is currently no reward for finding all 30, although you will need 5 for the Gjallarhorn Quest and 15 for the Rise of Iron Record Book.

Use the video below if you’re having trouble finding all 30.

Crucible Dead Ghost Locations


Rise of Iron added 4 new Crucible Dead Ghosts, which you can find in a Private Match. Use the video below to find all 4.

Note: the Icarus map is PlayStation-exclusive.

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