Call of Duty: Black Ops II Сбои на Wii U (WiiU)

Последнее обновление: 12 июня 2024 г.

Вот наши Сбои для Call of Duty: Black Ops II на Wii U. Самые надежные предметы получают больше всего «больших пальцев вверх» от наших пользователей и появляются ближе к вершине!

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Jet Gun for All Team Members


Use this trick to outfit your entire team with Jet Guns.

  1. With a Jet Gun available to be picked up, swap a Turbine for it.
  2. Now swap back, making the Jet Gun available on the ground again.
  3. Your partner should now pick up the gun, while you drop your Turbine.
  4. Your partner now swaps the Jet Gun with the Turbine you just dropped.
  5. Now head to the Workbench and you should be able to pick up a Jet Gun there, while your partner can grab the one still on the ground.

Floating in the Lab


This glitch can be found in the TranZit Lab. Through the door you open with your Turbine, go up the stairs and jump across the gap at the top. Now turn around and crouch and slowly walk back across the gap. Yes, that's right, you're now floating your way back across the gap.



Here's a neat trick to make yourself untouchable in the TranZit. Buy the door and place it between the existing grey door and the vase with the plant. Now activate the door with a Turbine and the door will open, trapping you in the process and making you untouchable.

Invincible Barrier


This glitch is found during multi-player in the Diner. Have player one stand by the first door, and player two by the second door. If you both open the doors at the same time to go inside, you'll see the zombies are now hitting an invisible barrier, making them easy kills. You now only need to worry about the zombies coming out of the other two barriers.

Nuketown 2025 Barrier Glitch


Here's another glitch, this time for Nuketown 2025. Buy the barrier in the yellow building and head out onto the balcony. Line yourself up with the wooden pole so that your crosshair is just slightly off the side of the wood. If you get in just the right spot, you'll be invisible to virtually every zombie.

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