Slay the Spire Руководства на Nintendo Switch

Последнее обновление: 16 апреля 2022 г.

Вот наши Руководства для Slay the Spire на Nintendo Switch. Самые надежные предметы получают больше всего «больших пальцев вверх» от наших пользователей и появляются ближе к вершине!

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It’s all about Situation


The most common question when starting a game such as Slay the Spire is generally always, “what is the best class?” or “What are the best cards?”. The straight answer is never really straight anyway, it all depends on the situation. Knowing about the type of opponents and the strength and weaknesses of your class will mean the difference between wins and losses.

InaBeta tells us all about adaptability and how to view the situation.

Choosing the Right Path


The best way in which to progress with the least amount of difficulty is by choosing the correct path. Slay the Spire has elements of a dungeon crawler, which just means that the player ends up at crossroads and has to choose which way to progress. In Slay the Spire, the best choice of the road is one in which you would start by facing around 3 normal bosses. From then on, make sure that you have a rest before the Elemental Bosses, if not to heal, then upgrade cards to make the battle a little bit easier.

InaBeta helps us choose the correct path in our journey for greatness.

Make your Deck simple


One mistake many people make when playing card-based games is to think that if you have the deck that is the most complicated with every card buffing another that you will win every battle. The best solution, however, is to simplify the deck that you choose to take. Having multiple cards that work off each other is great if you have a few of each, but don’t stack your whole deck to be dependent on a few cards. Now that is asking for trouble. Make use of the card removal tool at every rest stop. You can use this to remove any troublesome curses and other cards from your deck.

InaBeta teaches us how to keep it simple with the decks that we create.

Do not ignore what you don’t like


Mistakes that players can make when playing games, is to ignore the aspects that they do not like and hate playing. This is not a very great strategy as you will have no idea how to play against that type of enemy. The best strategy that you can adopt is one of practicing every element of the game, especially the element that you do not like playing. Learning these elements will help you beat the ones that you do not like easier and have less frustration while playing against them.

InaBeta shows us how to practice what we do not like.

Elite Fights


Many players tend to avoid the elite fights when choosing a path, I mean, why fight the harder fights? While this thought does hold true in some aspects, it is not the best decision in others. Elite fights are the best source of Relics and will give you the best learning curve while teaching you the best loot. In addition, Elites are more predictable, so you might find more success in elite fights over regular fights. 

InaBeta teaching us to embrace the Elite fights.

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