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MLB The Show 22 Руководства на Nintendo Switch

Последнее обновление: 21 апреля 2023 г.

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Which Batting Interface Hits the Hardest


You can choose between three hitting interfaces, which impact what you need to achieve during each bat. 

  • Zone hitting: a combination of positioning and timing-based hitting. Before the ball touches the plate, you will need to move the PCI. Then you will need to time your swing so that it makes quality contact with the ball. The following statics will affect the result:
    • Your player
    • What kind of swing you take
    • Your timing 
    • Pitch type and statistics of the pitcher  
  • Directional Hitting: A hitting solution that is mostly reliant on timing. You can change the ball's trajectory by using the left analog stick. If you decide to influence up, this will benefit flyballs, but if you decide to influence down, this will benefit ground balls. Choosing left or right will impact which side of the field you will hit the ball to. The direction you choose will influence the swing, there are other factors like the pitch type, timing, the pitcher, etc., that will also affect the direction of your hit. 
  • Pure Analog Hitting: this hitting uses the right analog stick as opposed to using buttons. However, this will still mean that you will need to time your swings, and punching the analog a little to the left or right will affect the PCI. You can also produce the following:
    • Normal swings: push the analog up
    • Contact Swings: Push the analog to the left or right
    • Power swing: Push the analog down and up 

Even though Zone hitting is generally considered the most effective in a competitive game. The most effective hitting interface will depend on your personal preference. 

Bigtomk22 shows you the best time to use the Normal, Contact and Power swing.

Types of swings


Players making contact with the ball is the most important skill in baseball, as it will be difficult to score runs if the ball isn't in play. 

You will want to ensure that you are making the correct types of shots when you are at the plate. Three primary shots: 

  • Normal Swing: "x" and "up"
    This is the swing you should concentrate on as it is the most common swing. You will get a decent amount of contact as well as power, but this will depend on the players' statistics. This swing will also mean that your PCI (Plate Coverage Indicator) will be in the correct area. This allows you to make solid contact with the ball.
  • Contact Swing: "Circle" and "Left or Right" 
    You will use this swing when the count is against you because it helps increase the plate coverage, but it will cost you power. This swing is most useful when you want to get the ball into play so that your teammates can advance when there are runners on bases, but no strikes left. 
  • Power Swing: "Square" and "Down" then "Up" 
    We suggest that you not use the power swing until you are ahead in the count because this swing is difficult to time and will also reduce your plate coverage, which will affect your players' making quality contact with the ball. The risks of this swing are very high, even though the swing can be devastating to the other team. So try and have a score of 2-0 or 3-0 against the pitcher as well as have outs remaining.

The different swings will be impacted by your batter's statistics, and better plate vision and contact statistics will affect the PCI. We suggest that you pay close attention to the size of the yellow circle to notice the differences.

Sony San Diego gives you the lowdown on when to use normal, power, or contact swings.

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