Отзывы для Subnautica

Нравится ли вам Subnautica?

Наши пользователи оценили эту игру на 9.0 / 10

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I've never played a survival game as interesting as this one. The intense focus on swimming is novel & adds depth to the survival game genre. There's a fun depth progression that doesn't become wearying. The game is simple, but not too simple. For what it is, it's an enjoyable survival game w/ a fun, surprising story along the way.

рейтинг: 8

На сайте: JoWiSh99 - 1 год назад

No super šupa hra,áno také mám rád.

рейтинг: 10

На сайте: Monika Rafajova - 4 месяца назад