Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor Подсказки на Playstation 4 (PS4)

Последнее обновление: 2 июня 2024 г.

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Sell Extra Runes


Sell runes you don't want or need, especially if you have extras.

Stealth vs Running


Stealth is useful in some situations, but for regular travel, you shouldn't be afraid to run and attract attention. Your pursuers won't stick around for any missions you start, and they won't chase you forever. However, if you're having trouble with enemies blocking your path or just clustering in a large group where you need to go, try to pull them away by launching a power struggle between them and another group.

Gain from Death


Your death comes with a price: the enemy armies will grow in power. Use this to your advantage when you're targeting specific enemies, either ones you intend to kill so they drop higher level runes, or ones you intend to dominate so they are more effective as allies.

Warchief Bodyguards


A Warchief's bodyguards can stand between you and victory. Kill them in your early missions, and dominate them later on.

Use Intel Effectively


Intel can greatly help you. It will be displayed on the mini-map. You should find and use it whenever possible.

Use Combos Effectively


If you're fighting one enemy, you can unleash a combo sword move by stunning it and then attacking repeatedly.

Fight a Warchief First


You shouldn't rush off in search of side missions until you've fought one Warchief. By that point, you've gone through enough of the story to have unlocked everything you need to begin playing at your own pace.

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