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Let's Build a Zoo Подсказки на PC

Последнее обновление: 7 декабря 2022 г.

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Keep infant animals with their parents


Baby animals are able to stay with their parents for a short period after they have been born. Allowing the infant animals to stay with their parents will prevent visitors from seeing them as an attraction.

You can remove the infant from their parents; however, this will increase the negative morality. Your morality will increase should you allow the infant animals to remain with their parents.

Animals will multiply quickly


One of the benefits of breeding animals is that you can trade them with other zoos, and infant animals can become an attraction for visitors. Animals will reproduce rather quickly; in “Let’s Build a Zoo,” if you don’t keep an eye out on the numbers, you will be running a circus.

A few species of animals can quickly turn into hundreds of animals, this can easily turn into a disastrous situation if you don’t have sufficient space for all the animals. In order to prevent this from becoming a problem, track the number of species you have at all times.

Avoid buying too many buses


Purchasing buses are a necessity, buses will bring tourists to your zoo. However, purchasing too many buses will create a problem. If you purchase an excessive amount of buses, they will begin to blockade the entrance to your zoo.

IcOn Gaming shares some useful tips and hints.

Don't expand to fast


It may seem tempting to try and house every animal in your zoo. Take caution when expanding your zoo too fast; this will come at a great cost. The more you expand, the more facilities you will need to create, and a larger workforce will need to be employed.

Keep in mind that the more enclosures that are built create a greater daily demand on the animal keepers. An overworked schedule will result in a tired workforce.

Keep certain species together


You may want to house every species in its own enclosure; this is not necessary for a variety of animals. Certain species of animals are able to live together. You can save space and money by housing multiple species in one enclosure.

Pay your employees on time


One of the most expensive costs that you will incur is paying your staff. Paying your staff late will negatively affect your morality points. If you run out of money, you will need to take out a loan and pay it back weekly.

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