eFootball 2024 Сбои на PC

Последнее обновление: 6 ноября 2023 г.

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Kick-off Glitch


Kicking off the game is advantageous for you. The glitch allows you to score more goals. To use the Kick-off glitch, you must have selected a fast striker in your team.

If you don’t have a striker with a good amount of speed, you will need to have good timing for the glitch to work. Timing is everything with this glitch. At the start of a game, you must set your striker on sprint and pass the ball to a nearby attacking midfielder.

Once your midfielder has the ball, you must pass the ball to your winger. You must have a winger in your team with a relatively good passing ability. Now that your winger has the ball, you must time your pass from your winger to striker to perfection.

Your winger will slowly draw in your opponent's defender, and you will notice a clear gap between your sprinting striker and two defenders. When your striker is between the two defenders, pass the ball from your winger to the striker.

Your striker will then run around the defenders and have a clear shot at goal. This glitch may take several attempts to master. The hardest part of the glitch is timing the pass from your winger to the striker.

ZazmentFC shares a kickoff glitch from eFootball 2024.

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