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Crypto Miner Tycoon Simulator Разблокируемый на PC

Последнее обновление: 12 июля 2023 г.

Вот наши Разблокируемый для Crypto Miner Tycoon Simulator на PC. Самые надежные предметы получают больше всего «больших пальцев вверх» от наших пользователей и появляются ближе к вершине!

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На основе1 Рейтинг

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How to Earn Unlockables


You can gain unlockables by playing the game and earning the following achievements: 

  • Chemist -Find the cure for addiction
  • Coin Exchange - Run your own coin exchange market
  • Crypto Equality - Make your coin a legal tender
  • Elixir of Life - Develop anti-aging serum
  • Green Mining - Research solar power
  • History Repeats - Send messages to your past self
  • Immortal - Discover the anti-aging pill
  • Initial Coin Offering - Launch your own cryptocurrency in the  Eastern European scenario
  • King of Ethereum - Earn 5 million USD in Latin America scenario
  • Millionaire - Have one million USD or equivalent in a different currency
  • Miner - Mine 1000 Bitcoins
  • Natural Intelligence - Win three times in the XO phone game
  • Optimal Play - Use the SHIFT key to place multiple objects in a rack
  • Panacea - Develop a vaccine for all viruses in-game
  • Quantum Computing - Discover quantum processor
  • Quantum Logic - Use quantum computers to create artificial intelligence in-game
  • Solar Power - Do carbon-negative mining

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