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MechWarrior 5: Mercenaries - JumpShip Edition Cheaty na Xbox One (X1)

Ostatnio zaktualizowany: 9 października 2022
MechWarrior 5: Mercenaries - JumpShip Edition
  • Po raz pierwszy wydany: Sep 22, 2021

Czy podoba ci się MechWarrior 5: Mercenaries - JumpShip Edition?

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Mission accomplished


Most missions will conclude when your executive officer arrives in a DropShip after completing the objectives. A symbol on the compass and radar will direct you to your destination. When you reach that point, the mission, including any condition of your entire lance, will come to an end. When Ryana congratulates you and your HUD turns off, you'll know you've arrived.

This may seem obvious, but MechWarrior 5: Mercenaries currently has a persistent loading problem, depending on the power of your computer hardware. The screen will go dark, and there will be a loading symbol in the bottom-right area, but you may still hear talk from your lance. Your lancemates may even report damaged limbs, heavy armor damage, or killing adjacent opponents.

These last-minute reports, however, can be dismissed. Even if a lancemate reports that a limb has been blown off, it will still be attached when you return to the JumpShip and debrief. When you touch the exit waypoint and your HUD switches off, the only thing that matters is the status of the lance. Everything that occurs after that will be undone.

The passage of time


MechWarrior 5 keeps track of time in days. The passage of time is only significant for a few reasons, none of which are related to the main story arc. In fact, all assignments will be waiting for you and will not have a time restriction.

The passage of time is only important for the following reasons:

  • Work orders are used for repairing or replacing mechs.
  • Bills are paid every 90 days.
  • Time for injured pilots to recover.

Time does not normally move while you are aboard your ship. Aside from loading times, when you order a jump to a different star system, the leap will take a certain number of days in-game yet happen instantly in the real world. If you need to wait for an event but don't want to leave the star system, click the enormous "Wait" button in the bottom-right corner of the hub's Home page. The button will be deactivated if there are no events to wait for.

In general, time is unimportant in MechWarrior 5. When it comes to managing funds, it is often more necessary to take the most cost-effective action rather than the quickest option. That typically means jumping out of war zones, repairing, and then jumping back in rather than taking on several contracts one after the other.

Heat Sinks


You can never have too many Heat Sinks. Heat Sinks are frequently the first item to fail when your mech is injured. They're cheap in most areas, so if you visit a new industrial region, make sure to buy all of their heat sinks. If you ever have less than 30, you should probably go out and acquire more.

Mannyocrity explains how heat works in the following video

Speed is a killer


Fast-moving mechs are difficult to hit, which benefits both the AI and you. Even if the pilots' abilities are similar, a faster-moving mech will avoid incoming fire better than a slower-moving one. Some story missions may have AI that is slightly more accurate than others, but the average mech enemy will have a harder time striking you if you're moving swiftly, all else being equal.

However, this might also work against you. You'll notice your reticle jumping slightly when moving swiftly, especially when zoomed in. Moving quickly may further exasperate the problem if you're not receiving a steady framerate with your graphics settings.

In general, unless you have amazing marksmanship and/or your computer can maintain a high framerate, it's preferable to go no faster than 40 kmph when assaulting a base. When you travel quicker, it will be more difficult to aim precisely, which may result in friendly fire against your lance.

Checkout this guide by Mage for more tips and gameplay advice

Difficulty Levels


All missions have a difficulty level based on the size and number of opposing forces. You are not limited to taking any given task; you can attempt a Difficulty 100 mission soon after entering the universe map with a single 20-ton mech, but it is unlikely to end well for you.

A decent rule of thumb is to check the difficulty level of a story quest as soon as you acquire it. You can see the difficulty rating on any mission's contract screen, but you can cancel it without consequence (just don't abort the contract). If you qualify for a story task but are concerned about the difficulty rating, consider doing side quests nearby until you are comfortable with the difficulties you will face. More level contracts also result in higher rewards, so you'll be assisting your mercenary organization by becoming accustomed to the difficulties.

These top 10 ten tips by youtuber can also assist you with gameplay

Tonnage restrictions


All missions have a tonnage restriction, which is displayed with the difficulty rating on the same screen. Tonnage limitations refer to the combined maximum weight of all deployed mechs, not their actual weights.

A full lance of four mechs and pilots is usually preferable. Although it is feasible to send a single, extremely powerful mech into an early mission, doing so causes all adversaries to focus their attention on it. Even the most powerful mech will falter in the face of hundreds upon dozens of attackers.

As a result, you should maintain a dozen or so mechs of various weights in Cold Storage in case you revisit an old location that you want to operate in. In general, tonnage restrictions are directly proportionate to difficulty ratings, so you're unlikely to accept a mission in a challenging location if you can only field a light lance.

The particular composition of any given lance is entirely up to you. It's a good idea to try out different mechs and weapon combinations in different side missions to see what works best for you.

There are also MODs which allow you to remove the tonnage restrictions completely. TTB explains how to accomplish this

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