Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare Wskazówki na Xbox One (X1)

Ostatnio zaktualizowany: 8 czerwca 2024

Oto nasze Wskazówki na Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare na Xbox One. Najbardziej godne zaufania produkty otrzymują najwięcej "kciuków w górę" od naszych użytkowników i pojawiają się bliżej szczytu!

Czy podoba ci się Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare?

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Exo Abilities


  • Exo Shield - You'll put up a small shield attached to your arm.
  • Exo Overclock - Your speed will increase momentarily.
  • Exo Mute Device - Your footsteps won't make any sound.
  • Exo Stim - You will regenerate more health than is normally possible.
  • Exo Cloak - You will become temporarily invisible.
  • Exo Hover - For a short amount of time, you will hover above the ground.
  • Exo Ping - Your opponents' movements and gunfire will appear in your HUD.
  • Exo Trophy System - You will destroy as many as two projectiles coming your way.

Boost to Evade


Use Boost to help evade attacks, and use Boost Dodge so you can evade and then attack.

Armor Color


Before you start a multiplayer match, pick armor that matches the color of the map, so you can better blend in.

Easy Achievements


  • To easily get the "Carma" achievement, rip off a car door while you're on the street during the drone attack in Mission 1: Induction. Keep the door with you until you enter a building filled with enemies, and then throw it at them.
  • To easily get the "Deadeye" achievement, you'll need to earn 2,000 points in the shooting range in Mission 2: Atlas. Use an automatic weapon and start at the center of the range. Shoot in short bursts and reload your gun during the breaks between each of the three rounds. Use Overdrive when prompted to hit the fastest targets. If you can't reach 2,000 points, wait until you've upgraded your accuracy and reloading speed later in the game, and then select the mission from the menu.
  • To easily get the "Grenadier" achievement, you'll need to earn 1,600 points in the grenade range in Mission 2: Atlas. Use Threat Grenades to reveal enemies and Smart Grenades to stop drones and enemies in motion. Both types will seek out targets, so don't worry a lot about aim. Remain by the refill station to keep a solid supply of grenades to throw.
  • To get the "Fire and Forget" achievement, find the turret to the left of the road once you leave the helicopter in Misson 4: Fission. Use the turret to kill 10 enemies.
  • To get the "Flying Ace" achievement, use the machine gun instead of the rockets while fighting the enemy jets in Mission 13: Throttle. Stay close to your targets and don't worry about the ground vehicles.
  • To easily get the "Genius" achievement, play through Mission 4: Fission until you reach the laboratory. Exit the lab and sprint-dash left, toward a group of five enemies on a small platform. Get to the platform's stairs before any of them descend, and toss a Threat Grenade at them. If it doesn't kill at least four, restart from the nearby checkpoint.
  • To get the "Heavy-Handed" achievement, check every body for weapons to pick up in Mission 14: Captured.
  • To easily get the "Look Both Ways" achievement, just make sure you're across the street before you start shooting enemies in Mission 3: Traffic.
  • To easily get the "Man Overboard" achievement, wait for the enemy in Mission 12: Armada that slides down a zipline from the helicopter to the ship. He will land on the edge by a container. Melee him off the edge.
  • To easily get the "Party Crasher" achievement, hide in the bushes at the start of Mission 8: Sentinel, press Right on the D-pad to lure in enemies, and then use the Grappling Hook. If someone sees you, just restart from the checkpoint. You don't need to kill all the enemies this way, as there are more than 20 in the area.
  • To get the "Restricted Airspace" achievement, you need to shoot down every helicopter at the end of Misson 10: Bio Lab with your EMP ammo. If one gets away, restart from the last checkpoint.
  • To easily get the "Riot Control" achievement, use the Mobile Cover Drone to the right of the street after you leave the helicopter in Mission 4: Fission. Shoot enemies using the drone. Kills counting toward "Riot Control" will be carried across multiple playthroughs.
  • To easily get the "Sitting Ducks" achievement, shoot the first enemy with the stealth sniper drone in Mission 6: Manhunt, and then wait. Two enemies guard a gate, and another guard is approaching them. Wait until they're all lined up, and then take out all three with a single shot. If you don't get all three, restart from the last checkpoint.
  • To easily get the "Threat Detected" achievement, play through Mission 1: Induction until you enter the building filled with enemies and learn how to use your boost dodge. Fight the first enemies normally, and then head around the corner. A large group will be shooting you from a balcony. Quickly toss a Threat Grenade at them.
  • To easily get the "Where Are You Going" achievement, just throw an EMP grenade at the armored AST enemies in Mission 7: Utopia.

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How  do  you  abort  when  kva  spotted  you
Mike jones, 3 lata temu Reply
Do  I  got  through  the  glass  or  the  door  to  do  the  glitch  
Michael tarter, 5 lat temu Reply
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