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Evil West Przewodniki na PlayStation 5 (PS5)

Ostatnio zaktualizowany: 5 września 2023

Oto nasze Przewodniki na Evil West na PlayStation 5. Najbardziej godne zaufania produkty otrzymują najwięcej "kciuków w górę" od naszych użytkowników i pojawiają się bliżej szczytu!

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How to Kill the Parasiter


The Parasiter is one of the most annoying bosses to deal with in the entire game. You must meet certain conditions before dealing any real damage: Kill the two smaller tentacles to expose the large tentacle’s weak points, which you then need to shoot. You’ll have to do this three times in increasingly hostile conditions before you can kill the boss.

The small tentacles have a few attacks, including the slam (which they perform three times before getting stuck in the ground for you to attack however you want) and their ranged attack (which reveals their weak spot, which you can shoot to stun them). The main tentacle will mostly stay out of this fight, but if the smaller tentacles back off, prepare to sprint back and forth to avoid an acid spray from the main head. Focus on one head at a time during the first phase of the fight.

Once you’ve removed the smaller tentacles, hit the exposed weak points to deal significant damage and move to the next phase. The main head slams against a tree during this transition, and rain boulders down on you. 

The larger head becomes more involved in the second phase, planting seeds that will produce wasters if you don’t kill them quickly enough, but your strategy will be mostly the same as in the first round. 

During the final phase, the main head attacks one last time. You’ll be dodging boulders and dealing with the tentacles simultaneously, so you’ll need to be quick on your feet. If you have enough energy, use Supercharged Mode in the final phase, as it will allow you to deal massive amounts of damage to one of the tentacles and kill it quickly. Once you reach the last weak point on the Parasiter, you can kill it.

How to Kill the Bruch


The Bruch becomes relatively easy to deal with once you understand its patterns. First, it will dash around the field, swiping at you with melee attacks. Just dash away and try not to get hit. It also has a ranged attack where it will summon three spears above its head and fire them off one by one. You can dodge-roll to avoid these spears as they fly at you.

When you start the fight, attack the Bruch by Supercharging and unleashing any high-damage attacks you can, taking out a quarter of its health. It will cause it to disappear, and two clone Cruch will appear from the ground. Ignore them and go straight for the real Bruch, sitting on the ledge between the two train cars. This will make it start charging its attack, thus exposing its weak points, which you must shoot until the Bruch returns to the battlefield. Then, you can deal with the clones with a shotgun blast and some revolver shots.

The cycle will repeat through the battle, but if you keep attacking the Bruch’s weak points, it will never get a chance to deal you any real damage. Once a third of its health is gone, it will summon Boo-hags and pretues into the field. Zapper all of them to refill your health and Energy, and watch when the Bruch starts charging an attack. Once you clear out the smaller enemies, the Bruch will return to the field. Supercharge it again and whittle down its health to trigger the final phase of the battle.

During the final phase, the Bruch will mix in a new attack, creating a wall of leeches around itself as it continues with its regular attacks. You can shoot the Bruch in the head or counter the wall with the Crippling Rod and zap it to get through the shield. If your rod is on cooldown, just wait the attack out by moving and dodging, as it’s not too dangerous or damaging.

Once you’ve burnt through its final bit of health, you can approach the Bruch and execute it to end the battle and trigger the end-of-level cutscene.

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