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Enlisted Indices sur Xbox Series X (XboxSX)

Dernière mise à jour: 20 mars 2023

Voici nos Indices pour Enlisted sur Xbox Series X. Les articles les plus fiables obtiennent le plus de « pouces levés » de nos utilisateurs et apparaissent plus près du sommet!

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How to get more order tokens:


To get the best equipment and weapons in Enlisted you are going to need Order Tokens. The best way in which to get this currency as well as other free rewards is by leveling up in the Battle Pass. This can be accomplished by completing Battle Tasks, which are daily activities.

You can also earn Order Tokens by completing the achievements where each one will reward you with one Order Token. By completing achievements you can get 15 Silver Troop Orders, 13 Silver Equipment Orders, and 1 Gold Troop Order. Achievements do not regenerate, unlike Battle Tasks.

Mark the Enemy:


In order to help your squad keep track of where enemies are it is essential that you use the marking mechanic to pinpoint where enemies are coming from. The more intel your squad shares the more likely your team will win. To pinpoint enemies on PC you need to press V on your keyboard, on consoles, it is Left Trigger + up on the D-Pad. Once you mark a spot a small red triangle will appear, you can mark up to three times, with each fourth one replacing the first.

How to Swap Soldiers:


You will be able to stay alive longer in Enlisted if you know how to swap between the soldiers in your squad when you go down. Swapping between soldiers will also enable you to get your hands on certain equipment only specific squad soldiers have. If you are playing Enlisted on PC you can swap between squad members that are alive by pressing Y on your keyboard. On consoles, you need to hold right on the D-Pad.

How to Swap Soldiers


You will be able to stay alive longer in Enlisted if you know how to swap between the soldiers in your squad when you go down. Swapping between soldiers will also enable you to get your hands on certain equipment only specific squad soldiers have. If you are playing Enlisted on PC you can swap between squad members that are alive by pressing Y on your keyboard. On consoles, you need to hold right on the D-Pad.

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