Zombie Army 4: Dead War Indices sur Xbox One (X1)

Dernière mise à jour: 26 mars 2023

Voici nos Indices pour Zombie Army 4: Dead War sur Xbox One. Les articles les plus fiables obtiennent le plus de « pouces levés » de nos utilisateurs et apparaissent plus près du sommet!

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All Collectible Locations


There are 140 total collectibles hidden throughout the game. These are in the form of zombie hands, comics, documents, upgrades, and heroic actions. If you’re having trouble finding all of the collectibles, use the video guide below for help.

Unlock Gas Rats Safe


During the “Hell Base” mission, you’ll come across a locked safe with “gas rats” written near it on the wall. To unlock the safe, you’ll need to shoot all of the gas mask-wearing rats in the previous level. If you’re having trouble finding any of the rats, use the video guide below for help.

Basic Tips


Medkits are highly valuable resources and are often in short supply. Save them until you need them.

Keep track of ammo when you see it so that you’ll be able to quickly resupply if you run out.

At workbenches, you’ll be able to use upgrade kits that you find. Upgrading is important to make sure you stay strong enough, so be sure to use them whenever possible.

Don’t focus solely on offense. Having a solid defense will go a long way toward keeping yourself alive.

Downed enemies can be stomped to finish them off. This is a good way to save ammo, especially if you can down an enemy with a melee attack first.

Headshots will ensure an enemy can’t revive. Try to get headshots as often as you can.

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