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Twelve Minutes Œufs de Pâques sur Xbox One (X1)

Dernière mise à jour: 23 décembre 2021

Voici nos Œufs de Pâques pour Twelve Minutes sur Xbox One. Les articles les plus fiables obtiennent le plus de « pouces levés » de nos utilisateurs et apparaissent plus près du sommet!

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The Carpet is from The Shinning Movie

Œufs de Pâques

The Carpet outside the apartment is the same carpet from the movie The Shining.

The Shining is a 1980’s psychological horror film produced and directed by Stanley Kubrick. The movie is based on the novel written by Stephen King in 1977.

The central character is Jack Torrence, an aspiring writer and recovering alcoholic. Jack accepts a position as the off-season caretaker of an isolated historic Overlook Hotel in Colorado Rockies, with his wife, Wendy and son, Danny. 

Danny is gifted with  “the shining”, psychic abilities that enable him to see into the Hotel’s horrific past. After a storm leaves the Torrence family snowbound. Jack’s sanity deteriorates because of the influence of the supernatural forces that inhabit the Hotel. 

Aside from the carpet, there are other similar themes that the game shares with the movie. The protagonist in 12 minutes is stuck inside his apartment in the time loop and not in the Hotel like the movie.

In The Shining the cause of the horror is left ambiguous throughout the majority of the movie. The viewers are not sure whether it is something supernatural or whether it is actually because of  the decline in Jack's mental health. Although the movie does resolve this later. In the game it is hinted that something supernatural is happening with the time loop. But later on it is implied that there may be a hidden plot

The song hides the secret

Œufs de Pâques

During the course of the game the wife will have many activities that she carries out. While she is carrying out the activities every now and then she will begin to hum a song. 

The hum is a french nursery rhyme called Frère Jacques. 

This could be a hint that the wife is preparing herself for motherhood. When the rhyme is translated to english you can see that it is also a foreshadow to the plot of the game.

If you take a closure look at the lyrics brother John is sleeping and needs a bell to wake him up could this relate to the protagonist.

“Frère Jacques

Frère Jacques

Dormez vous?

Dormez vous?

Sonnez les matines

Sonnez les matines

Ding ding dong

Ding ding dong

Are you sleeping

Are you sleeping?

Brother John

Brother John?

Morning bells are ringing

Morning bells are ringing

Ding ding dong

Ding ding dong”

Tericho goes into detail about what players may have missed in the game.

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