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Stranded Deep Œufs de Pâques sur Xbox One (X1)

Dernière mise à jour: 31 janvier 2023

Voici nos Œufs de Pâques pour Stranded Deep sur Xbox One. Les articles les plus fiables obtiennent le plus de « pouces levés » de nos utilisateurs et apparaissent plus près du sommet!

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Wollie (Wilson reference)

Œufs de Pâques

You can find a torn volleyball with “Wollie” written on the side, along with a bloody handprint used to make a face. This is a reference to “Wilson” the volleyball from the movie Cast Away.

DeadEx Package

Œufs de Pâques

You can find a parcel with the “DeadEx” logo on the side. Although you can’t open it, you can put it in your inventory. This is a reference to the FedEx package found in the movie Cast Away. The shipping label on the box says it’s for “Stranded Deep survivor Colin,” which is a reference to the first player who posted on the developer’s website, and then the rest of the shipping label goes on to say “Some garbage that makes no sense clearly goes here… nobody could possibly read this with its resolution anyway.”

Finding the UFO

Œufs de Pâques

There is a UFO (or more accurately, a USO, an Unidentified Submerged Object) that can be found deep underwater, with algae growing over it. It has currently been removed from the most recent versions of the game, and it isn’t known if it will be restored in later updates or not.

Land Shark sign

Œufs de Pâques

Sometimes a sign will spawn warning people of a “land shark.” This is partly a reference to a bug in an older version of the game in which sharks could swim through islands.

Questions, réponses et commentaires

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Voordat  ik  een  shelter  kan  bouwen  ben  ik  dood  door  vergiftiging  en  uitdroging  ..gefrustreerd  door  iedere  keer  opnieuw  te  moeten  beginnen..mvgr.John
John van der velden, il y a 1 an Réponse
Comment  activer  la  commande  sur  ps4/ps5  pour  avoir  les  mod  menu  repondez  svp.
Ismail 41, il y a 2 ans Réponse
How  to  get  unlimited  health

Ashton Beckmon, il y a 2 ans Réponse
How  do  you  enable  keyboard  and  mouse  on  PS4?  
How  do  you  open  console  command  on  ps4?  
Taylor Steen, il y a 3 ans Réponse
How  do  you  level  up  faster?
Katie , il y a 3 ans Réponse
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