Dragon Age: Inquisition Indices sur Xbox One (X1)

Dernière mise à jour: 17 juin 2024

Voici nos Indices pour Dragon Age: Inquisition sur Xbox One. Les articles les plus fiables obtiennent le plus de « pouces levés » de nos utilisateurs et apparaissent plus près du sommet!

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Earn Gold and XP


To earn a lot of gold and experience, fight the enemies in the oasis at the western side of the Hissing Wastes. Defeat them for the experience and collect the Wyvern Scales they drop to sell them at 4,000 gold apiece. You can leave and come back for the enemies to respawn.

War Nug Mount


Buy "The Mystery Box" from the chest by Deraboam in Val Royeaux to gain a mission called "The Big One?" on the war board. Send out an advisor, and you'll receive a War Nug mount.

Ferelden Forder


Head west in the Hinterlands to get "The Master of Horses" and meet Master Dennet. He will offer you a Ferelden Forder from his stables for free.

Wedge of Destiny


You can find a cheese-shaped shield called the Wedge of Destiny in a chest on a high ledge by one of the Crestwood camps, near the first camp you visit.

Climbing Tip


Your party members will automatically find the best climbing paths. When one reaches a good point, switch to that character and then back to your own. Both will appear at the party member's spot.

Questions, réponses et commentaires

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на  ps4  не  работает  чит  с  Фаррисом  как  сделать  чтоб  можно  было  без  конечно  повышать  влияние  и  авторитет
Алексей, il y a 2 ans Réponse
Are  there  any  codes  to  unlock  the  game  with  Xbox  gold?
Jonathan M Hawkins, il y a 3 ans Réponse
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