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Kingdoms of Amalur: Re-Reckoning Indices sur Nintendo Switch

Dernière mise à jour: 24 mars 2023

Voici nos Indices pour Kingdoms of Amalur: Re-Reckoning sur Nintendo Switch. Les articles les plus fiables obtiennent le plus de « pouces levés » de nos utilisateurs et apparaissent plus près du sommet!

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The Best Way to use Fateshifting


Fateshifting can be a good way to gain XP. Once you unlock the Reckoning Meter you are able to take down multiple enemies increasing your fate shift attacks XP. 

Although it may seem like it will be wise to hold off using the Reckoning Meter until an emergency. By doing this you will end up wasting your opportunities for the combos and in the end losing out. So you should use your Fateshifting option as often as you can. 

If you use your Fateshift button and the option to use the meter does not pop up. You can cancel this motion and preserve the Reckoning Meter by pressing the same key you use to activate it. 

Filling up your meter can be quick depending on your weapon is not as difficult as it may sound. Each weapon’s basic combo should be easily achieved by mashing the hit combo. Hitting the combo multiple times will fill the meter up in only a few moments.

Don't waste your Reckoning meter.

Questions, réponses et commentaires

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In  the  quest  Restoring  Gravehal,  I  have  gathered  all  the  material  but  when  I  go  back  to  Padrig  Dower,  he  still  has  a  ?  Over  his  head  and  keeps  telling  me  when  I  gather  the  material  he  can  start  construction.  He  won’t  take  the  material.  What  do  I  need  to  do?
Steve Amato, il y a 1 an Réponse
So  I  just  got  ReReckoning.  I  found  an  exploit  to  get  to  max  level  AND  have  millions  of  gold  within  10  minutes.  Are  you  ready  for  this?  Ok,

After  the  tutorial  you  will  need  to  go  to  the  supply  chest  and  get  the  potion  that  gives  you  500xp,  next  go  see  guam  bluer,  or  gambler.  Yea,  play  on  words  here.  He  is  a  shop  seller  in  the  inn  at  the  back  left  corner  in  your  first  town.  Save  before  talking  to  him.  Buy  any  item  of  his,  go  to  the  sell  screen  and  sell  the  item  you  just  bought.  It  will  sell  for  1  gold.  Go  to  the  buy  screen  and  buy  back  that  same  item  until  your  inventory  is  full,  it  will  only  cost  1gold  to  buy  back.  Go  to  the  sell  screen  and  that  item  now  sells  for  alot  more,  so  sell  them  all.  Go  to  buy  screen  and  scroll  to  bottom  past  the  items  you  just  sold  and  now  buy  back  that  same  item  for  one  gold  till  your  inventory  is  full  again.  Once  again  rinse  and  repeat.  Congrats,  you  are  a  millionare.
Now  for  the  easy  levels.
Sell  the  potion  of  500xp,  go  to  buy  screen  and  buy  as  many  as  you  need  to  max  level.  You  have  infinite  money  so  go  crazy.
Tip:  remember  how  I  said  save?  If  you  buy  and  item  that  you  dont  like  reload  and  try  again.  Keep  trying  till  you  get  what  you  want.  I  got  a  unique  ring  first  time  doing  this  that  gave  +1  to  blacksmith,  sagecraft  &  alchemy.  It  sold  for  12k  gold  so  I  got  rich  fast.  Second  time  I  did  this  was  for  a  ring  that  gave  30mana  &  +1.5  mana  regen  that  sold  for  6k.  Still  got  rich,  just  a  little  slower.
Anyway,  EASY  exploit!
notanoob, il y a 1 an Réponse
How  do  I  get  into  castle  ansilla
Michelle Lynn Flint, il y a 3 ans Réponse
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