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Crash Drive 3 Guides sur PlayStation 5 (PS5)

Dernière mise à jour: 8 juillet 2022

Voici nos Guides pour Crash Drive 3 sur PlayStation 5. Les articles les plus fiables obtiennent le plus de « pouces levés » de nos utilisateurs et apparaissent plus près du sommet!

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How to win King of the Crown


There is a challenge called "King of the Crown". This challenge will begin with you being in possession of the crown.

There will be a clock timing you and if you are not in possession of the crown, you must ram your vehicle into the player with the crown to steal the crown. 

If you have the crown, you must avoid losing it until the timer runs out. Once you have defended the crown for the last time, you will win.

You must avoid using your boosters because controlling your vehicle under the use of a booster can be difficult.

If you can't manage your timer to run out with the crown. The player that has the least amount of time left on their timer will win the event. 

So you will need to keep the crown for as long as possible, even if you do not manage to hold it for a single long period. Short, consecutive periods of holding the crown will assist you in becoming successful.

VRgameplay shows a player how to play King of the Crown.

Tips on grinding the cash events


Playing events in the game will be your main source of income. 

We suggest that you don't play the game alone: Tasks that you receive in general will require more work and the reward will be less, but if you are doing the tasks with other players, it will be a lot less effort for more reward. 

However, if you are playing the game in a zone with too many people who are too competitive, you will have difficulty achieving a top 3 finish, which affects your earning potential.  

The ideal zone will be one with a lot of players who are not too bothered with the active game. This will allow you to complete the objectives without too much effort.  

Don't change cars in the middle of a race because you will lose your standing. If you tie an event, you and the other person will receive the same reward. You are still able to receive some income, but you will need to get some points on the board or you will need to complete the race. 

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