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Sid Meier's Civilization VI Anthology Guides sur Playstation 4 (PS4)

Dernière mise à jour: 18 février 2023

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Builders are not workers by another name


Don’t assume builders are renamed workers from previous games. Builders, unlike workers complete improvements instantly, however they come with a limited number of uses.

Military units


Importance of military units:

Military units help you defend against the barbarians that come in large numbers and to protect you against civilization nearby your starting location. This also helps protect you against ancient era Al players as they are more aggressive due to the lack of penalties in that era.

City placement matters


These are a few guides on city placement to keep in mind when starting the game.

  • Settling near a river provides fresh water, therefore providing additional housing, which boosts the number of citizens your city can support. Rivers also help in the mid/late game when you want to construct certain buildings or wonders.
  • Settling near the coast lays a strong foundation for the city's growth and improvement.
  • To provide additional science and faith to the campus and holy site districts settling near mountains is useful. Mountains also make it difficult for enemies to move their troops when they attack your city.
  • If you struggle with Al decision-making, then scout the surrounding area and make sure you have as many resources as possible in close range.
  • It is not necessary to build a city next to ocean tiles as a harbor district will make it possible to construct ships.

Government policies


Choose a policy that fits your current circumstances. Urban Planning for extra production is useful. If you’re likely to run into any barbarians, you can boost your attack strength against them by plumping for discipline, which helps reduce the threat by them.

Trading is not all about money


Sending a trader to your newly-discovered neighbor will improve relations between you as well as bring benefits such as extra food and gold for the city. Trading also results in builders building roads wherever they go meaning travel will be made easier and, therefore, invasion of an enemy city will also be easier.

Picking a suitable leader


The following is a guide that helps decide what type of leader to pick at the start of the game.

Consider what type of end goal you want to pursue, for example, cultural victory, science victory, religious victory, or domination victory. Once a selection has been made, pick a leader and civilization best suited for this type of outcome. Below are suggestions for various victory types:

  • Cultural Victory: Catherine (France), Gorgo (Greece), Pericles (Greece)
  • Science Victory: Peter (Russia), Teddy (America)
  • Religious Victory: Gandi (India), Phillip (Spain), Saladin (Arabia)
  • Conquest Victory: Scythia or Montezuma (Aztec), Barbarossa (Germany), Hojo (Japan)
Dan shows you how to pick a leader.

Build choices


Guides on how to decide what your first build choices should be:

To boost your Civic research and give you options for exploration, the first build choices should be a scout, a slinger, and a monument. Refrain from creating builders, as there is no need to set them to work right away. Listed below are reasons for scouting in the early game:

  • You can find favorable settlement locations nearby before your competitors find them.
  • Passive bonuses that last the entire game are provided when meeting city-states.
  • You can find threats such as other civilizations or barbarians.
  • You can discover who your closest neighbors are, which could determine your next research route.

Expansion of your city


Always explore various locations. This helps you expand to cities that can contribute to your game. While doing this, it is important to note that you should never send your settler out unprotected. Consider the following when searching for another city location:

  • Resources. Expand to a city that has many resources as possible and the most important resources being nearby.
  • Landscape. Depending on your special abilities, tiles can be beneficial.
  • Proximity to neighbors. You will anger neighbors if you settle too close to them, and this will damage your relationship with them.
  • Distance from your own cities. A city not connected to the rest of your empire via a road is less productive and difficult to defend.

Focus on growth


Food is important in the early game. Food helps the city grow fast and provides more citizens you can use throughout the game.

Before commencing in war


Before attacking another civilization, educate yourself on who is allied with whom and what kind of military they have. When declaring war, take note of the penalty you will incur and make use of the cassus belli where possible if war is declared at the wrong time, it will damper your reputation for years and make other players less likely to want to trade with you.

Plan ahead


It is important to plan what you want to do with a city. You can place pins on certain tiles that help remind you what you want to do there. This could save you later in the game as you wouldn’t want to break down a farm you sacrificed a builder for due to not planning properly or not being able to build a certain district as you placed another city in that only valid spot.

Military Engineering


During mid-game, you should have Military Engineering. This allows you to use the Military Engineer unit to build roads manually. This is useful as you can connect cities that have not been visited by other traders earlier in the game.

Defensive Pact


During the end rounds of the game, it is important to have a defensive pact with a trustworthy leader as a shadow is cast over attempts at more peaceful victory types.

Government types for mid game


Government types, mid-game supports six policies suitable for a variety of priorities. Even though the government system is flexible and allows for change, you should stick to one government type that suits what you’re looking to achieve.  The following are different government types you should aim for:

  • Monarchy government type to boost your military. This can be assessed via research of the Divine Right civic.
  • Theocracy to boost religion. This can be accessed via Reformed Church civic.
  • Merchant Republic for a flexible government type. This type allows for the boost of gold acquisition through additional trade routes and discounts on purchasing. It also contains two wild card policy slots. This can be accessed via Exploration civic.



Listed below are the different types of victories and how to achieve them:

  • Domination Victory can be achieved by having control of all the original capital in the game. The last player holding onto their capital will win. Therefore, if you have one capital left and their army takes it, they will win the game.
  • Science Victory can be achieved in three steps. These include:
    • Launching a satellite. This requires researching the Rockery Tech, building a Spaceport, and completing the Earth Satellite project.
    • Landing a human on the Moon. This requires researching the Satellites technology as well as completing the Moon Landing project.
    • Establishing a colony on Mars. This requires researching the Robotics, Nuclear Fission, and Nanotechnology techs and completing each respective module project.
  • Culture Victory can be achieved when the total number of tourists exceeds the domestic tourists of all the civilizations in the game. This can be done by having the following:
    • Multiple trade routes
    • Shared or conflicting late-game Governments
    • Open Borders
    • Great Works
    • Relics
    • Holy Sites
    • National Parks
    • Artifacts and Wonders
  • Religious Victory can be achieved by having every single other civilization converted to your Religion, this can be done by having most of their cities following your Religion. Thus, one should have a high number of Apostles and Missionaries.
  • Score Victory can be obtained after the year 2050 or whichever turn is set by the player. It is determined by a civilization’s score. This is the score that accumulates over the course of the game from the following:
    • number of civis
    • population number
    • number of cities
    • number of technologies
    • number of future technologies
    • number of wonders
    • military accomplishments
    • number of Great People
    • number of Beliefs

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