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MXGP 2021 Indices sur Playstation 4 (PS4)

Dernière mise à jour: 20 décembre 2022

Voici nos Indices pour MXGP 2021 sur Playstation 4. Les articles les plus fiables obtiennent le plus de « pouces levés » de nos utilisateurs et apparaissent plus près du sommet!

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Starting the Race


Starting a race well is vital and can have a massive impact on the results at the end of the race. There's a few things you want to avoid when you start a race. The first is you don't want to hit anyone otherwise you will most likely be out for the rest of the race. 

You also don’t want to have an uncontrollable wheely when you start. Yes, popping a wheely is epic but it isn’t the best thing to do when you start. Your goal should be to have a fast start that puts you ahead of the other racers. 

To get the right you need to time your pull-off. Try to hold in your clutch and keep your throttle at a good RPM ( Revs per minute ). Make your racers lean forward on the bike to stop yourself from wheeling. As soon as you see the gates drop release the clutch and accelerate more. Your bike will have the perfect start and you might find that you make 1st place right away.

The Key to Staying on your Bike.


In Motorcross, there are two ways you can expect to be knocked off your bike. If you land wrong or knock another bike in mid-air on a jump theres a good chance you’re going to bail. The other is if you or another ride knock into one another while turning a corner. 

You can however avoid falling if you are careful. When facing high jumps or any jumps for that matter you need to know what speed to approach it with or what the landing is going to be like on the other side. It's best to land on a descent as this provides a softer landing for you and the bike. 

To avoid a rear wheel spin on a corner try to manage your speed well. If you accelerate too much into a corner your back tire could slip on the mud. Likewise, when scrubbing makes sure your bike has enough space. 

Make the Most of Bank Turns


The way you enter and exit bank turns can make a massive difference in the game. Not only does using a bank turn will give you the opportunity to overtake someone on the inside but it also set you up very well when you exit. You can exit a bank and turn almost at full speed. If you have a jump or straight after the turn this will help you cover ground extremely fast. 

Avoiding Silly Mistakes


If you are new to the game it can be easy to make a small mistake. A mistake that often comes up is riders not rigging their bike with the correct setup. If you have enough coins your bikes are relatively customizable. 

Different setups will fair better on different tracks and in different conditions. Play around, and get to know what setups work for what. Another common mistake occurs during jumps. When you jump and accelerate or brake the bike rears forward and backward. You can imagine that accelerating on a small jump can cause your bike to wheely if you accelerate too much. 

If you can learn to time when you hit the brake and accelerate you will find that the race is much easier and more enjoyable, not to mention you won’t fall off as often. 

Choose the right tuning team


MXGP has a great function that allows you to choose your own tuning team to fine-tune and customize your bike. Choosing the right team is essential. You want to get the most out of your bike so when choosing your team carefully look for what they specialize in and how they will benefit your bike setup.

Landing correctly after a jump.


In motocross hitting and landing a jump well is very important. If you hit the jump with too little speed you might not make it over the jump. If you land in the wrong position you might fall. The best way to land is to position your bike in a way that allows your back tire to touch the track before your front. 

The main reason for this is as you descend from a jump with your bike trajectory you need to make use of your back brakes to slow down. If you landed on your front tire and break you would go over the handlebars. 

Scrubbing also helps you get over jumps more efficiently but you also need to land correctly. When a rider hits a jump they lean to the side stopping the bike from increasing in height while keeping the distance of the jump. 

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Ma  moto  reste  au  point  mort...impossible  de  la  faire  avancer    sur  MXGP2021.
merci  d'avance  JJ
Fafa Du Bassin, il y a 6 mois Réponse
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