Battlefield 4 Indices sur Playstation 4 (PS4)

Dernière mise à jour: 2 juin 2024

Voici nos Indices pour Battlefield 4 sur Playstation 4. Les articles les plus fiables obtiennent le plus de « pouces levés » de nos utilisateurs et apparaissent plus près du sommet!

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Nos utilisateurs notent ce jeu 5.7 / 10

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Tagging Enemy Players


Tagging players in Battlefield 4 is a great way to not only keep track of enemy players for yourself, but also your entire team.

When you tag any enemy by clicking R1 when aimed in on them, they will show up on the radar and also get a red arrow above their head that displays on the map. This means if they duck behind a hill or something, you'll still know where they are!

Multiplayer Hints & Tips


  • When you choose your class, base your decision on what will help your squad the most. Make sure your squad has a variety of classes in it, and research different classes if you aren't sure which you should pick. Then, use your abilities to help your squad. For example, Medics can revive other players and Support classes can drop ammo/items. No matter what your class is, you have something important to contribute.
  • Once you spawn a vehicle, wait for your allies to join you. Multiple players in a vehicle are much more effective than just one.
  • You can use Battlelog on your smartphone or tablet to display a detailed map while you play the game.
  • Powerful weapons (including shotguns, sniper rifles, machine guns, and grenade launchers) can be found on each map. When you use your radar, you can see icons marking the weapons. If you see one you want, get to it quickly.
  • If you are the squad leader, you should set squad objectives for your teammates to follow. If you are a member of the squad, follow your squad objectives. This way, everyone on the squad will be able to work together to win. You should also communicate through the communication wheel, which allows you to request, accept, or deny orders.
  • Learn about the Levolution for the map you are playing on, and use it to your advantage.
  • You can get XP Boosts from Battle Packs. If you have an XP Boost, open the pause menu and use the Boost to increase the XP you earn from anywhere between 25-200%.

Miscellaneous Hints and Tips


  • Use the Test Range to practice. You can try out new things without the risk of dying or losing a match.
  • Fire your weapons in bursts during ranged combat to keep your shots accurate.
  • When you are behind cover and your gun tilts, you can aim down to lean just slightly out of cover. This is most effective if you are fighting up close, during Team Deathmatch, and in Operation Locker.
  • Use Battlelog to choose your loadout, review your stats, check out BattlePacks, see if any of your friends are online, select a server on which to play, and more. It's a very handy feature that will help you prepare for multiplayer matches.
  • Choose your weapons carefully. If you plan to be mobile most of the time, take along a weapon that has good accuracy. For other situations, the Light Machine Gun is effect in narrow spaces and the defense of small areas.
  • When you play multiplayer, you should always do what is best for your team, even if it means you will die or lose some personal glory. Always play the objective, rather than trying to just get kills. Cooperation is key.
  • You should make sure to "spot" any enemies you see, even those about to be defeated, because it will give you points in addition to alerting your team to the enemy.
  • Fight in a squad. Squads have a better chance of spawning near objectives and of unlocking the third and fourth specializations.
  • If possible, use a microphone. Communication between teammates will make your team even more efficient and effective.

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Can  I  cheat  playing  battlefield  4  xbox  one?
David Amburgey, il y a 5 ans Réponse
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