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Rustler Cheats sur PC

Dernière mise à jour: 29 mars 2022

Voici nos Cheats pour Rustler sur PC. Les articles les plus fiables obtiennent le plus de « pouces levés » de nos utilisateurs et apparaissent plus près du sommet!

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Enabling Cheats


Enabling Cheats
Thankfully Rustler takes a page out of its predecessors and has a built-in way of using cheats. To enable the cheats, open your command console by pressing the tilde key (~) and typing “EnableCheats Bastard” and then press enter. Now you have the full power to warp reality to your whim. 

“SetMoney amount “ 

Replace the amount with the amount of money you want.

This gives you the set amount of money that you specified.


Gives you every weapon in the game.


Gives you an automatic crossbow with Ten Thousand arrows.

“SetHealth HP Armour”

Replace HP with the amount of health you want and Armour with the amount of armor you want.

“AddWeapon weapon”

Replace “weapon”  with the weapon you want and it will give it to you.

“Spawn Horse”

Will spawn a random horse for you to use.

“TeleportTo location”

Teleports you to the location you specify.

“SetStars 0-5”

Set your wanted level to the number you specify.

“AddSkillPoints Amount”

Gives you the amount of skill points you specify to unlock all the cool skills.


Awards you with a shield to help defend against those pesky opponents.

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