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Run Prop, Run! Guides sur PC

Dernière mise à jour: 8 novembre 2022

Voici nos Guides pour Run Prop, Run! sur PC. Les articles les plus fiables obtiennent le plus de « pouces levés » de nos utilisateurs et apparaissent plus près du sommet!

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Beginners Guide


Run Prop, Run is an extreme online version of hide and go seek. You start on the main screen, where you can choose your skill, speed, taunt, and minion. Once you press go, you will enter the game, and a 20-second timer will begin to count down.

Move around the map and try to find a good place to hide. There are two characters you play as. A prop that is exactly that. You look like part of the furniture. Or you can be the one searching for the props.

Look for areas that will help you blend in the most. If found, you need to run away and blend in elsewhere. You have 12 playable characters, all with different skills. 

How to Escape


If you are found, you need to avoid being caught. The best way to do this is to get away as fast as possible. Use your surroundings to help you escape. Run all the walls and through areas that will obstruct the person chasing you. 

As soon as they lose sight of you, try to change your character's appearance straight away so that you blend in. 

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