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Elex II Indices sur PC

Dernière mise à jour: 21 avril 2023

Voici nos Indices pour Elex II sur PC. Les articles les plus fiables obtiennent le plus de « pouces levés » de nos utilisateurs et apparaissent plus près du sommet!

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Nos utilisateurs notent ce jeu 9.2 / 10

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Avoid Fighting Multiple enemies


Although your fighting prowess is not in question, it is ultimately better to avoid fighting multiple enemies at once. Getting used to the combat in ELEX II can be a bit frustrating to start off with, but what is even more frustrating is dying to enemies that you are not even looking at. Fighting multiple enemies is very difficult in ELEX II, so it is best to just avoid trying to fight off a lot of enemies at once, focus on just picking a fight with one enemy and killing him before moving on to the next.

Baldard Gaming explains the difficulties of fighting multiple enemies.

Don’t Avoid Side Quests


Some people hate side quests with a passion as they sometimes do not hold anything valuable or offer any type of content. ELEX II is a little bit different, the side quests can be the difference between the game being extremely difficult and being relatively pleasant. The side quests in ELEX II offer much-needed experience, items, and currency for you. So make sure to do as many side quests as you can to gain those levels and get that equipment that will help you out.

Baldard Gaming explains the use of doing as many side quests as possible.

Explore the World


Much like every other open-world game out there, there are many hidden things scattered around the world in ELEX II. So roaming around the world can be to your benefit, finding treasures and grinding experience with enemies will boost your gameplay by quite a lot. Another perk is finding those legendary weapons to play around with, check out our Unlockables section to find the weapons and the locations. So get that map out and go roaming the wilds to find the weapons and treasures out there waiting for you.

Baldard Gaming tells us why it is beneficial to go roaming.

Collect Everything


One of the things that most open-world games offer is the art of buying and selling items that you have found around the map. Here comes the looting ability, when you roam the wilds, make sure to loot as much as you can, even if you might not think it is that useful. What you can do with these items is sell them to merchants for some extra cash to spend on the more important items like elixirs. 

Baldard Gaming tells us about looting everything.

Look for Teleportation Spots


ELEX II does not offer any form of mount for the player besides the jetpack mounted on their backs. SO the best and fastest way to traverse the map is to make sure that you are unlocking the teleport spots as you get to certain areas. These will allow you to instantly traverse large distances on the map and not have to spend precious time trekking up and down the map. So take those extra few seconds to look for teleport pads to unlock.

Baldard Gaming explains why teleport pads are essential to your gameplay.

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kevin jackson, il y a 2 ans Réponse
Das  wäre  doch  Langweilig  mit  Cheatcodes!!!
Mario Strau, il y a 8 mois Réponse
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