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Aragami 2 Indices sur PC

Dernière mise à jour: 3 juillet 2022

Voici nos Indices pour Aragami 2 sur PC. Les articles les plus fiables obtiennent le plus de « pouces levés » de nos utilisateurs et apparaissent plus près du sommet!

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Nos utilisateurs notent ce jeu 7.0 / 10

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All collectible locations


There are numerous collectibles to find hidden throughout the game: Golden Statues, Essence Runes, blueprints, and dyes. Golden Statues are purely collectibles, Essence Runes can be equipped for passive effects, blueprints unlock new equipment for you to purchase, and dyes let you change the color of your equipment.

If you’re having trouble finding any of the collectibles, check out the video guide below

Basic Tips


Stealth is the name of the game here. Stay in the shadows, take to the rooftops, and otherwise avoid enemies as much as you can.

If you knock out an enemy, you can hide the body in the water to prevent guards from seeing it, and this won’t count as a kill.

Alternately, if an enemy notices a body and starts toward it, you can still avoid detection if you take them out before they reach it.

Avoid direct combat as much as you can. Although you have numerous skills available to you, enemies can still be deadly and easily overwhelm you, especially if you’re outnumbered.

Learn how different enemies fight. Whenever possible, take out the biggest threats first.

Whisper draws enemies close to you, which can not only provide you with a chance to attack, but can also let you slip past enemies undetected since it pulls them out of their usual patrols.

Pay close attention to the environment to plan out paths you can take, features you can use to your advantage, and enemy patrol routes.

If you double jump shortly before you land, you can avoid any fall damage that the jump would otherwise have caused.

Always keep a lookout for collectibles, as they can provide benefits to you later.

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