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Animalia Survival Cheats sur PC

Dernière mise à jour: 9 octobre 2023
Animalia Survival
  • Première sortie: Sep 6, 2021

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Beginners Guide


This survival game allows you to control the life of an animal of your choice. The objective of the game is simple: you need to take on the persona of the animal and stay safe from the dangers that lurk.

At the beginning stages of the game, you will find yourself on the African continent. All the animals you’d expect to find on the African Savannah and bushveld appear in the beginning stages of the game, including lions, crocodiles, hippos, meerkats, and many more.

Choose the type of animal you wish to play with and begin exploring the wilderness. Your animal will naturally start as a juvenile, and you will need to outsmart predators to survive.

There are several health indications and resource bars on the right of your screen. Pay careful attention to the status of these bars. Predators aren’t the only thing that can kill you; starvation will slowly set in if you forget to eat.

As you move across the open fields, your animal will begin to dehydrate, and you will have to refill your hydration levels by drinking water from a river. Be careful when drinking water at the river bed; crocodiles are waiting to kill you.    

You will also need to refill your animal's stomach as they will get hungry. Depending on the animal you choose, every animal has their own diet and methods of consuming food. For example, if you decide to use a lion, you must learn how to stalk prey in the long grass and effectively hunt.

Herbivores have no shortage of food; animals such as elephants can graze for food or eat the leaves from trees. However, you must constantly remain vigilant of predators in your surroundings.

You will also be able to mate and reproduce offspring in the game. When it’s time for an animal to breed, hearts will surround the animal, and you will need to find a partner for your animal to mate.

Surviving the first few stages of the game can be tricky, especially if you choose a leopard as your animal. Juvenile leopards can’t climb trees, making them vulnerable to predators.

Stay clear of dangerous animals and defend your territory against invaders to remain king of the savannah.

Kato shares a beginner's guide

How To Pounce


Lions are the ultimate predators in the game, and their ability to hunt any animal makes them the top predator. Lions can take down large animals of prey, such as giraffes when they pounce on the animals.

To pounce on a giraffe, you must attack the animal from behind and press “Shift” and “Right-click.” Once your lion has pounced on the back of the giraffe, you can bite the animal by “Left-clicking.”

Kato Gameplays shares a guide on how to pounce

How To Climb Trees


There are many predators out to kill you. Leopards are some of the best tree climbers in the animal kingdom and climb trees to escape the dangers of predators on the ground.

There are only two types of trees that you can climb in the game: the Y-shaped trees and a three-pronged tree. To climb the Y-shaped tree, you will need to walk up to the tree and press “Space” and “W” to climb up.

Once you are up the tree, you can go further up the tree but will first be required to turn around by double tapping “A.” To climb higher, press “Space” and slowly press “W” to go to the top of the tree.

To climb the three-pronged tree, you must grab onto the middle branch—press “Space” to hold onto the tree and “W” to climb the tree.  

Kato Gameplays shares a guide on how to climb a tree

How to Improve Your Gameplay


Choose Your Prey Wisely

When stalking and choosing prey to hunt for food, select prey that is easier to bring down. Choosing the proper prey to attack will prevent your animal from bleeding and needing to recover.

If you decide to take down large and dangerous prey with a lion, it’s best to get pride and limit the damage to your animal.

Breeding Animals Are Stronger

The game allows you to breed with other animals from the same species. Breeding animals have more points than individual animals that haven’t bred. A breeding individual has 150 points, while an initial animal only has 50.

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