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Phantom Brigade Hints on PC

Last Updated: April 21, 2023

Here are our Hints for Phantom Brigade on PC. The most trustworthy items get the most 'thumbs up' from our users and appear nearer the top!

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Analyze in Detail; Don't Miss Things.


Take the time to analyze everything in detail. While you may have access to all the information about what's going to happen in the next five seconds, it's easy to miss important details that could trip you up. For example, shots that take place up close can be difficult to see, especially if they obscure the red line of sight of the attacking enemy. And even if you have a broken line of sight due to buildings or hills, that doesn't necessarily mean you're safe from incoming attacks. Depending on the type of attack, such as a railgun or beam weapon, it may still penetrate obstructions and hit your mech.

It's important to carefully consider whether you're in a good position to provide cover from incoming attacks. And remember, when you start to move your mechs around, they can become targets for each other, leading to friendly fire. To avoid this, make sure you're not moving into the angle of attack of your own Max. By taking the time to analyze the situation and plan your moves carefully, you'll be able to make the most of the information at your disposal and increase your chances of winning.

Napyet shows you some useful tips.

Prioritize Missiles by Timing their Arrival and take Action Accordingly.


Prioritize avoiding missiles. Unlike other types of attacks, you can't predict where they'll land once they're in the air, so you need to time your movements carefully to avoid getting hit. While you may see the arc of an incoming missile, it's up to you to estimate how long it will take to reach your mech and take appropriate action. This can be difficult, especially if the launch happens on the other side of the map and you don't even get the launch indicator. To avoid getting hit by missiles, you should move behind hills or buildings. Alternatively, you can try dashing at the right moment to scramble their tracking, although this is a much harder maneuver to pull off.

Attack from the Flank or Rear to Increase Damage and Concussion Effects.


Attack from the flank or rear whenever possible. Not only does this increase the damage you deal to your target, but it also increases your chances of concussing the pilot, which can take the mech out of the fight even if all its components are still intact. This is a strategy that is effective in many tactics games, but it's particularly potent in this one. Additionally, attacking from the rear can also increase the number of undamaged, high-quality mech parts that are salvageable.

Focus Fire by Directing All of Your Units' Fire on a Single Enemy.


Focus your fire on one enemy at a time. This strategy, known as "focus fire," is a basic tactic that can be applied to many different types of games. By concentrating all of your firepower on a single target, you can quickly take it out of the fight and reduce the number of enemies you need to deal with. This is particularly effective if you're using missiles, as you can fire them all at the same target while moving towards it. By moving your mechs into optimal positions to focus fire, you can quickly turn the tide of battle in your favor.

Stand Still when Firing, as Most Weapons Have Less Accuracy while Moving.


Stand still when shooting. Most weapons in Phantom Brigade are much less accurate when fired while moving, so it's best to stand still whenever possible. Given that you have access to information about the future, there's really no need to be constantly moving like you would in an action game. If there's no incoming fire, it's often best to stand still and wait for the right moment to strike. By following these tips and taking the time to plan your moves carefully, you'll be able to make the most of the information at your disposal and emerge victorious in even the toughest battles.

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