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Mud and Blood Cheats on PC

Last Updated: December 31, 2022
Mud and Blood
  • First Released: Nov 30, 2021

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A Guide to Maps


Players can scroll through the map using the A and D keys. While the scrolling speed cannot be altered, it is possible to jump to one of your unit’s positions by double-clicking on their portrait at the bottom of the screen.

There are a couple of different maps, all of which have variations of cover and structures littered throughout that offer various forms of cover and protection.

  • Full Concealment: This is provided by rocks and trees
  • High Cover: This is provided by trenches (randomly generated and player-built) or bunkers (which also offer explosive cover)
  • Medium Cover: This is supplied by trucks, barbed wire (which deals low damage on contact), player-built covers and houses (which also provide explosive cover)
  • Low Cover: This is provided by haystacks and unit-built sandbags

Long Houses provide cover from explosives and are a structure that cannot be destroyed.

Different types of maps
For players to progress to a new map, they must complete all missions in an area. There are several different maps which players can play through.

  • D-Day Maps: Troops start on a beach and have to progress through an area that is randomly filled with small fortifications like rocks, sandbags and trees
  • Hedgerows: There is plenty of cover for your units and enemies alike. There are more fortifications and buildings, plenty of random rocks, and thicket woods to hide behind.
  • ST:LO: While there is a significant decrease in the number of trees, rocks are still randomly placed. There are also more fortifications and buildings compared to the other maps.

Landmines & Minefields


Minefields are relatively difficult to work your way through. Engineers and Sappers can locate landmines and guide the rest of your troops safely, but if you don’t have access to either, it may be necessary to sacrifice one of your troops to avoid mass death.

Both regular landmines and player-built landmines deal explosive/high damage on contact, but while regular landmines come in various shapes, player-built landmines only come in one size.

Selecting Units


Easy Selection
You can select a unit by clicking the number on your keyboard (1 – 6) that corresponds with them. For example, selecting all units can be done by clicking “7”.

After selecting your units, you can click anywhere on the map, and they will move there immediately. While your troops can walk through any obstacles, some may cause damage, and they will stop if bleeding out, pinned down, stunned or dead.

If play becomes stressful and you need a moment to re-strategize, you can pause the game and direct your units to a different spot.

Stats and Skills
All units start with identical stats, which players can improve as they kill enemies and progress through the map. As you earn EXP, a symbol will appear above the portrait of one of your units, which means troops can Rank up and specialise in any skill of your choice.

You cannot change a unit’s specialisation, so pick wisely.

When Ranking up a unit, you can choose from three options: a combat skill increase, a weapon upgrade or an ability/skill which troops can earn on a cool down.

Ranking up your commander can earn you benefits for your campaign. Players can choose between three skills which can be used multiple times in campaign mode but only after 30 minutes.

Players can earn experience by playing through the campaign and completing missions. The Commander cannot die or be negatively influenced by your performance, but EXP is affected by the mission completion time, the number of kills made and whatever units remain.

Players are rewarded ribbons when they complete special actions. Some of them affect all units, and the death of one takes away nothing from the others. Other ribbons affect specific units and will remain active as long as that unit is alive.

Tactical Points
Tactical Points are used during Classic mode and are your currency, which can be used to buy artillery, equipment, more units, and weapons. Players can also use them to give out special commands to their troops.



The amount of enemies you can encounter per mission is random, but the stronger types usually appear in later missions. They remain primarily semi-static, sticking to their patrol route or behind cover. They will only engage in battle if you come within a certain distance or if players attack them directly.

Grenades & Explosives
Enemies will randomly throw different grenades (Molotov cocktails, smoke grenades, and stick grenades) and explosives (rifle grenades and panzerfaust) at infantry and vehicles.

Fortunately for players, an explosive bag can be seen before the enemy fires. They can very quickly take a moment to pause the game, move their troops and continue with play before the explosives kill or destroy anything.

If you take too long to complete a mission, your squad will become vulnerable to ambushes that will give the enemy an unfair advantage. They work on a timer, which fortunately resets after a mission is cleared, and consist of infantry ambushes, vehicle ambushes and artillery & air support.

If players maintain a steady pace and learn the skill of pausing when necessary, they can mostly avoid ambushes.

While seeing enemies without specific commander abilities is impossible, that does not mean you are completely helpless. A good rule of thumb is to assume that where there is a structure, there is an enemy. This may be a paranoid approach, but it also means that you can never be surprised. If nothing else, always remember: the pause button is your best friend.

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