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FIFA 19 Easter Eggs on PC

Last Updated: November 10, 2022

Here are our Easter Eggs for FIFA 19 on PC. The most trustworthy items get the most 'thumbs up' from our users and appear nearer the top!

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Petr Cech's Contract Negotiations

Easter Eggs

In the initial release of the game, player Petr Cech would wear his helmet at all times, even during contract negotiations. Videos were released of Cech wearing his helmet along with his suit, and this was believed to be a humorous nod to how Cech has worn a helmet in every game after suffering a head injury.

Cech himself responded by jokingly saying the game had misrepresented him because he would never go to a contract negotiation meeting without wearing a tie.

It turned out to have been a glitch instead of an intentional reference, and the developers patched it—but when they removed the helmet, they added a tie to his character model in that scene, joking in the patch updates that they had found a tie for him.

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