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Ava Cheats on PC

Last Updated: July 11, 2023
  • First Released: Dec 30, 2021

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Use the HoG Trainer to Get the Edge


Although the game has no built-in cheat system, you can still add cheats to improve the gameplay. Downloading and using a trainer is one choice. It is advised to conduct research and read trainer reviews before downloading it to your system.

Numerous users have given the HoG trainer positive reviews, and it provides several cheats. Some of the cheats accessible through the HoG Trainer include the following:

Gameplay Cheats

  • Numpad 1: Unlimited Health
  • Numpad 2: Unlimited AP
  • Numpad 3: Unlimited Ammo
  • Numpad 4: No Reload
  • Numpad 5: Maximum Accuracy
  • Numpad 6: One Hit Kill
  • Numpad 7: Infinite Money
  • Numpad 8: Maximum Speed

Adjust These Settings for Better Gameplay


Essential Settings and Modifications

Let's review some settings that can maximize the game's performance. First, go to "aba global" in your Steam settings. Then, go to "manage" and browse the local files. We must modify some settings in the "custom ini" folder or file. Open the "ava game" folder and click on "config." Inside, you'll find the "aba option settings ini" file. Open it.

Optimizing Mouse Input for Accurate Performance

Look for a setting called "use raw mouse input" and ensure it's set to "true." This will ensure that the mouse movement matches your Windows settings. To check your mouse settings, go to the mouse settings in Windows and navigate to "additional mouse options." Under "pointer options," ensure the box is unchecked and set the sensitivity to the sixth tick.

Use a DPI (dots per inch) between 400 and 1600 for optimal mouse performance. Adjust your mouse sensitivity in-game to a lower setting, around four to eight, to maximize accuracy. Also, set your mouse's liftoff distance to the lowest possible setting to avoid tracking when picking up the mouse.

Enhancing Game Responsiveness

Now, let's focus on the ini file again. We need to change another setting called "one frame thread lag." Set this to zero to reduce latency and make the game more responsive. Note that enabling this may impact performance on older PCs, so if you have an older PC, it's better to leave it disabled or set it to 1.

Optimizing Video Settings for Enhanced Gameplay

Next, we'll move on to the game's video settings. Open the game and go to the video settings. Using a 4:3 resolution for this game is recommended, as it's an old-school game with no benefit from widescreen ratios. A 4:3 resolution with black bars will give you a better playing experience. You can set this in the NVIDIA Control Panel by adjusting the desktop size and position and selecting "scaling mode: aspect ratio."

For graphics quality, set it to high for better visuals when streaming, but for competitive play, set most settings to low. Adjust the settings to your preference, but make sure to turn off fog light shafts and glare effects, as they can be distracting and GPU-intensive.

Regarding controls, a DPI of 800 and a mouse sensitivity of four are recommended for a good balance between control and quick turns in a fast-paced game like this.

Fine-tuning Audio and Visual Settings for Optimal Gaming

Lastly, let's optimize the audio settings. Set the in-game volume to five and turn off the reverb effect, which can be distracting. A minimap shot after the image is useful, so enable that setting. Adjust other settings according to your preference.

That's about it for the settings. It's crucial to find the right balance between performance and visual quality. If you have a high refresh rate monitor, you can unlock the frame rate by turning off vertical sync in the NVIDIA Control Panel and enabling V-sync in the game settings.

Remember to adjust your monitor's digital vibrance for better contrast and clarity. Set it to a level that suits your preference, such as 80, and consider changing the gamma for improved visibility in darker areas.

SnowShovel shares the best setting to use when playing AVA

Some Very Handy Sniping Techniques


Quick Zoom Sniping Guide

Utilize the Recoil Reduction Technique: Press “2” and “3” on your keyboard after each sniper shot. Finally, press “1” again to minimize recoil and maintain precise aim. This invaluable technique proves particularly advantageous when you need to secure an additional kill shot for absolute certainty, especially when the initial shot may not have fully accomplished the task at hand.

Squatting Sniping Guide

Employ Tactical Crouching: As soon as you venture into an exposed expanse, swiftly lower yourself into a squatting position just before preparing to take a sniper shot. By doing so, you effectively diminish the size of your visible profile, rendering yourself a smaller and more elusive target. This strategic maneuver presents a formidable challenge for adversaries attempting to aim and fire accurately at you, significantly increasing your chances of evading enemy gunfire and maintaining a tactical advantage.

Side Changing Sniping (SCS)

Once you unleash your initial shot, swiftly relocate to the opposing side of a strategic obstruction, seamlessly transitioning from one vantage point to another. Employ this fluid movement repeatedly throughout the engagement. By skillfully executing this tactic, you generate a relentless barrage of gunfire from diverse directions, thoroughly confounding your adversaries and rendering them unable to concentrate on a single location.

To further enhance this method's effectiveness, introduce unpredictability by sporadically choosing from which side you will unleash your subsequent rounds, leaving your foes in a constant state of uncertainty and heightening the challenge of tracking your position.

Perfecting the Drag-Shot

The drag shot is a fundamental skill in sniping that requires practice to become deadly in critical situations. It involves swiftly aiming and shooting between two targets with speed and accuracy. Refine your skills by practicing fast transitions between these targets, maintaining precise aim. With dedication, the drag shot will enhance your sniping abilities, making you a formidable force in combat.

The Pre-Scope Drag-Shot

To perform this maneuver effectively, approach the enemy target while moving. Aim, shoot, and immediately retreat in one fluid motion. Perfecting the drag shot technique is crucial to executing this action seamlessly. You'll become adept at swiftly engaging and disengaging with practice, giving you a tactical edge on the battlefield.

Ryan Thor shares a sniping guide

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