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Disney Infinity 3.0 Easter Eggs on iOS

Last Updated: December 7, 2017

Here are our Easter Eggs for Disney Infinity 3.0 on iOS. The most trustworthy items get the most 'thumbs up' from our users and appear nearer the top!

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Arrow in the Knee

Easter Eggs

In Tatooine in the Rise Against the Empire play set, you can find an NPC who says they used to be a bounty hunter until they “took a blaster bolt to the knee,” a reference to the famous “arrow in the knee” line from Skyrim.

Shadows of the Empire references

Easter Eggs

In Hoth in the Rise Against the Empire play set, you can find NPCs with dialogue referencing Dash Rendar, the protagonist of Shadows of the Empire.

On Tatooine, you can also spot Rendar’s ship, the Outrider.

Jar Jar in Carbonite

Easter Eggs

In Tatooine in the Rise Against the Empire play set, you can find Jar Jar Binks frozen in carbonite in Jabba’s Palace.

Ghost Rider Flaming Head

Easter Eggs

If you ride Ghost Rider’s motorcycle as Jack Skellington, flames come out of his head in an additional reference to Ghost Rider. The effect also happens to Anger from Inside Out.

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