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Score! Hero Cheats on Android

Last Updated: May 29, 2018
Score! Hero
  • First Released: Aug 4, 2015
  • Genres: Sport, Arcade

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Basic Tips


Play it safe to start with, using short passes and helping your team. Don’t worry about getting three stars right away. You can always replay a mission to get three stars later.

You can zoom out to see a wider shot of the field, which can help you once you’re ready to make more difficult shots and passes.

Curved shots are harder for the goalie to block.

Corner shots are also effective. Aim for the corner furthest from the goalie.

Watching ad videos will let you earn more in-game money. A camera icon will appear on the mission screen, and selecting it will let you watch an ad.

You can also connect your game to your Facebook account for a small amount of in-game money.

Don’t spend your money on rewinds. While it’s temping, there are better things to save your money for, especially player customization. Use the free rewinds you get instead.

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