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Stranded Deep Hinweise auf Xbox One (X1)

Letzte Aktualisierung: 31. Januar 2023

Hier sind unsere Hinweise für Stranded Deep auf Xbox One. Die vertrauenswürdigsten Artikel erhalten von unseren Benutzern die meisten "Daumen hoch" und erscheinen näher an der Spitze!

Genießen Sie Stranded Deep?

Unsere Nutzer bewerten dieses Spiel 8.5 / 10

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How to regain health


Health is based on your vital signs. Therefore, you’ll need to make sure your hunger and thirst meters are both above four bars if you want to start regaining health. Status effects will also prevent you from regaining health, meaning you should heal yourself of negative conditions as soon as possible.

Hoi  er  zijn  alleen  maar  kokosnoten  te  vinden  op  een  eiland..t  peil  van  de  gezondheid  daalt  heel  snel  en  iedere  keer  ben  je  weer  af..hoe  kan  ik  dit  oplossen  ?  Gr.John
John van der velden, vor 1 Jahr - Antwort

Change Difficulty / Customize Islands


By using the Cartographer option, you can customize the world that will spawn for you. This means you can change the difficulty of the experience by making it easier or harder, or just change things up for a more customized experience. You can customize terrain, items, trees, rocks, animals, and shipwrecks in addition to the arrangement your world will have.

Basic Tips


Rushing is dangerous, especially since there are many things you need to learn. Follow the game’s tutorial and take your time to learn how to survive.

Save frequently to avoid losing progress when something goes wrong.

At the start of the game, make sure you keep your raft and paddle with you. Drag your raft up onto shore once you’re close enough and attach the paddle.

Getting a water supply should be one of your top priorities, especially since you need to manage your thirst. A Water Still will gather condensation into a flask for you. It is possible to use Palm Fronds for it instead of Fibrous Leaves.

Plants regrow, although this takes time. Consider taking only some each time to make sure there’s always a rotating source as they grow back.

Keep an eye on your health, hunger, thirst, and sunstroke meters to make sure you aren’t in danger. All of these are shown on your watch.

Start out focusing on a small area before you explore farther away. You want a safe, secure base to come back to. Once you have that taken care of, then you can start venturing to other islands.

Gather loot and materials wherever you find it. Shipwrecks are especially good places to explore.

There are poisonous creatures in the world that you need to avoid. If you’re poisoned, you’ll need to make an antidote to cure yourself or by keeping your hunger and thirst meters stable enough until you recover from the poison. Avoid the Crown of Thorns Starfish, Lionfish, and snakes as much as you can.

If you pin a crafting recipe, it will show you how many of the needed items you have in your inventory as well as how many are available in the world.

How to Escape


In the original version of the game, it was impossible to escape the island. However, console versions added the escape option. To escape, you’ll need to fight three bosses, each of which will have a plane part. The three bosses will be marked on your map with a skull icon. You’ll then use the plane parts to repair a plane and attempt to escape, leading to the game’s “ending.” (Note: do not attempt to repair the game as you go. Currently, restoring one part to the plane doesn’t stick. You need to have all three parts with you when you repair the plane and do it all at once. If you attempt to add each part as you get them, those parts will be lost and you’ll need to fight the bosses again.)

The nature of the game’s ending has led to much debate among fans about what the ending means: whether it is meant to imply a time paradox, a sequel hook, or the player character’s death.

Fragen, Antworten und Kommentare

Stelle eine Frage

Voordat  ik  een  shelter  kan  bouwen  ben  ik  dood  door  vergiftiging  en  uitdroging  ..gefrustreerd  door  iedere  keer  opnieuw  te  moeten  beginnen..mvgr.John
John van der velden, vor 1 Jahr Antwort
Comment  activer  la  commande  sur  ps4/ps5  pour  avoir  les  mod  menu  repondez  svp.
Ismail 41, vor 2 Jahren Antwort
How  to  get  unlimited  health

Ashton Beckmon, vor 2 Jahren Antwort
How  do  you  enable  keyboard  and  mouse  on  PS4?  
How  do  you  open  console  command  on  ps4?  
Taylor Steen, vor 3 Jahren Antwort
How  do  you  level  up  faster?
Katie , vor 3 Jahren Antwort
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