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Crypto Miner Tycoon Simulator Schummeln auf PC

Letzte Aktualisierung: 12. Juli 2023
Crypto Miner Tycoon Simulator
  • KATEGORIE: Hauptspiel
  • Erstmals veröffentlicht: Apr 20, 2022
  • Genres: Simulator, Indie
  • Themen: Fantasy, Business

Genießen Sie Crypto Miner Tycoon Simulator?

Unsere Nutzer bewerten dieses Spiel 10.0 / 10

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Cheats Available Through a Trainer


Although the game does not have an integrated cheat system, there are ways to add cheats to the game to make it interesting. One way is to download and use a cheat engine to add the cheats to the game. 

We advise you to read the reviews before installing any trainers or software. However, the cheat engine has been tested by multiple users and offers various cheats. This cheat engine allows you to get more money. Here is a link to install and how to use the cheat engine.

HGA Gaming demonstrates how to get money through a Cheat Engine

Easiest Ways to Ensure a Great Gameplay Experience


  • Save the game when the trends hit their peak highs and lows. This will allow you to rewind any poor trades so that you can make a better purchase to give yourself a better chance.
  • When you unlock Expert Scouting, hire 10 scouts.  It may seem like a waste at first, but you will make your money back. Do this with the save on peaks tactic and maximize your profits.
  • DO NOT waste money on anything you don’t need. A slight loss is still a loss, and it can add up quickly. This will lead you to fail at the end of the game.
  • Only make trades that are at max. The numbers add up more if you are trading in Bulk. The only time you should make small trades is to get out of debt. Set up the Auto-Sell and Pay Bills options if you don’t care about getting perfect gains.

Anti-Viruses May Cause the Game to Crash


The game contains many mentions of Bitcoin, Ethereum, and other cryptocurrencies. The game also has the logic to compute many hash rates and mining shares because that is required for realistic simulation of crypto mining.

Because of this many anti-viruses, some anti-virus programs mark it as possible crypto mining malware. That will cause a false positive, stopping the game from working. 

Every time the game or anti-virus updates, it will cause the same issue again. It is only flagged and built for the update.

Some anti-viruses, like Kaspersky, only flag 64-bit versions of the game, but not 32-bit. If this is the case for you, play the 32-bit version. Its only limit is RAM usage, so you might not be able to build Massive mining farms if you run out of RAM, but everything else should work, and you can complete all the scenarios in the game.

How to Earn Unlockables


You can gain unlockables by playing the game and earning the following achievements: 

  • Chemist -Find the cure for addiction
  • Coin Exchange - Run your own coin exchange market
  • Crypto Equality - Make your coin a legal tender
  • Elixir of Life - Develop anti-aging serum
  • Green Mining - Research solar power
  • History Repeats - Send messages to your past self
  • Immortal - Discover the anti-aging pill
  • Initial Coin Offering - Launch your own cryptocurrency in the  Eastern European scenario
  • King of Ethereum - Earn 5 million USD in Latin America scenario
  • Millionaire - Have one million USD or equivalent in a different currency
  • Miner - Mine 1000 Bitcoins
  • Natural Intelligence - Win three times in the XO phone game
  • Optimal Play - Use the SHIFT key to place multiple objects in a rack
  • Panacea - Develop a vaccine for all viruses in-game
  • Quantum Computing - Discover quantum processor
  • Quantum Logic - Use quantum computers to create artificial intelligence in-game
  • Solar Power - Do carbon-negative mining

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