Project Clean Earth Hinweise auf Android

Letzte Aktualisierung: 21. April 2023

Hier sind unsere Hinweise für Project Clean Earth auf Android. Die vertrauenswürdigsten Artikel erhalten von unseren Benutzern die meisten "Daumen hoch" und erscheinen näher an der Spitze!

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Use a Robot


To face enemies in Project Clean Earth, you can’t just rely on your basic weapons. The monsters are strong and require a strong weapon to beat. You will need to find yourself a more powerful weapon. 

Thankfully, you have a great sidekick who has the weapons you need to take down the big bosses. Your robot companion has weapons such as a flamethrower, machine gun, and rocket launcher. 

Use your robot often to help you progress through the game faster.

Choosing the right Chipset


You get various chipsets to choose from in Project Clean Earth. They all offer different abilities to help you overcome challenges. For example, if you choose the Spiral Barrel chipset, you will find that it increases your Critical Attack. 

The further you progress, the more chipsets you will unlock. As you unlock more, try to use them as you play so you can learn which ones work best for different situations. Your chipset will help you in difficult situations. 

Collect Items


As you explore the map and defeat enemies or level up, you will find and receive new items. Collect your items well. You receive items like weapons, relics, drones, and chipsets that make your attacks more effective in challenges.

You are often given a choice when you receive something. For example, when you level up and are given a new chipset, you generally have a choice of four to choose from. Choose the one that will benefit you the most.

Explore the Map


The map in Project Clean Earth is large, and you will never get the most out of the game if you don’t explore. If you have goals and monsters you want to take down, then go for it, but as you explore, you will find new areas and monsters to defeat.

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