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Ōkami HD Cheats sur Nintendo Switch

Dernière mise à jour: 10 octobre 2022

Voici nos Cheats pour Ōkami HD sur Nintendo Switch. Les articles les plus fiables obtiennent le plus de « pouces levés » de nos utilisateurs et apparaissent plus près du sommet!

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Loading Screen Demon Fangs/Bonus Demon Fangs!


To be able to get Bonus Demon Fangs, you first have to Enable It from the Settings Menu. Press the touchpad or open up the PS4 Main Menu, then go back into the game. You'll now be in the Settings Menu. The Cheat is hidden on this screen (In Plain Sight)! Select "Original Settings." You'll find A Resolution/Screen Size Option for your game, and a Minigames Option set to off. We want this turned on! Turn this on to enable Minigames during the Loading Screen! By playing these specific minigames, you can earn Bonus Demon Fangs! But it will take some practice, timing, and speed, depending on the screen.

There are 2 Minigames that can appear at random, depending on how the screen looks! The first is a Timing Minigame with 6 small pawprints and an image of Issun. You actually have to press the X button 7 times in a row just before the pawprint or issun appear right away immediately to hit the timing of the pawprint or Issun! You'll know you've hit it correctly when the pawprint is bigger. Upon successfully pressing the X button 7 times in a row, with the last one on Issun, you'll earn a Demon Fang! This can be done Multiple Times to earn some Bonus Demon Fangs in Loading Screens.

The second is a button mashing minigame! Press and mash press the X button 50 times to get Bonus Demon Fangs! Upon the 50th button press, you'll get a Bonus Demon Fang!

Fair warning though, these minigames can be tough for some players!

On the Nintendo Switch Version, press the - button to open the settings menu, then find Original Settings. On Xbox One, press the left arrow button, then find the Original Settings. For both, on separate button layouts for your controller, depending on your version, you have to press the A button for the minigames on Nintendo Switch and Xbox One.

Fun Fact: These Minigames were NOT available on PS3 and Wii versions. They were added back to the 2017 Rereleased HD Remasters of the game! This is likely a callback to the PS2 Version where they could Never Be Turned Off, as well as being disabled by default on the PS3 and Wii Versions, being offered the option to choose to turn them on or off! (I couldn't choose Easter Eggs, so I chose this since it was more likely to be a Cheat than an Easter Egg.)

Par: Talon Andrews Commentaire

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