Animalia Survival Leitfäden auf PC

Letzte Aktualisierung: 9. Oktober 2023

Hier sind unsere Leitfäden für Animalia Survival auf PC. Die vertrauenswürdigsten Artikel erhalten von unseren Benutzern die meisten "Daumen hoch" und erscheinen näher an der Spitze!

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How To Pounce


Lions are the ultimate predators in the game, and their ability to hunt any animal makes them the top predator. Lions can take down large animals of prey, such as giraffes when they pounce on the animals.

To pounce on a giraffe, you must attack the animal from behind and press “Shift” and “Right-click.” Once your lion has pounced on the back of the giraffe, you can bite the animal by “Left-clicking.”

Kato Gameplays shares a guide on how to pounce

How To Climb Trees


There are many predators out to kill you. Leopards are some of the best tree climbers in the animal kingdom and climb trees to escape the dangers of predators on the ground.

There are only two types of trees that you can climb in the game: the Y-shaped trees and a three-pronged tree. To climb the Y-shaped tree, you will need to walk up to the tree and press “Space” and “W” to climb up.

Once you are up the tree, you can go further up the tree but will first be required to turn around by double tapping “A.” To climb higher, press “Space” and slowly press “W” to go to the top of the tree.

To climb the three-pronged tree, you must grab onto the middle branch—press “Space” to hold onto the tree and “W” to climb the tree.  

Kato Gameplays shares a guide on how to climb a tree

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