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Disney Speedstorm Руководства на Nintendo Switch

Последнее обновление: 5 июля 2023 г.

Вот наши Руководства для Disney Speedstorm на Nintendo Switch. Самые надежные предметы получают больше всего «больших пальцев вверх» от наших пользователей и появляются ближе к вершине!

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How to Manual Boost


At the top of the screen, you will find a boost bar that fills up as you drift and collect power-ups. You can’t use this boost before it’s full, and some characters’ bars will fill up faster depending on their class.

To get the most use out of the boost, make sure to use it in-between boost pads on the track. It’s also instrumental when recovering from a hit or navigating difficult terrain that would otherwise slow you down. They’re also a great help when speeding through shortcuts.

You can keep your boost going by hitting any boost pad refills.

How to Get a Turbo Start


It’s possible to get a speed boost from the very start of the game, quickly putting you ahead of your opponents. As the game begins its countdown, players will see a little bar system affected by them revving the car. All you need to do is ensure you’re in the green when the word “Go!” appears on the screen.

The easiest way to do this is to hold accelerate until the needle hits green, then lightly tap it, holding the needle at the lowest point of the green zone. Then, in the split second, before the light turns green and the race begins, hold down accelerate. This way, you’re still in the green zone, and your foot is on the gas, boosting you right past the other racers.

How to Charge Your Skills


There are two different levels of activation for your Skills:

  • Tap the fire button – This activates the basic level of the skill, which is less powerful but reaches further and fires faster.
  • Hold the fire button – This turns projectiles into heat-seekers with a limited range and makes characters’ unique skills briefly more powerful.

How to Fire Behind You


Firing behind you is quite simple; all you have to do is pull back on the left stick as you fire. You can use the right stick to look behind you, though this is a bit risky, and the icons at the bottom of the screen already show you how close a rival might be (the bigger their icon, the close they are).

How to Survive the Mirror Attack


The Mirror Attack flips the screen, reversing your steering controls, making it nearly impossible to avoid crashing into a wall. It only lasts a few seconds but is a devastating attack. When it hits you, don’t panic.

Stay as straight as possible; this will keep you from steering wrong. However, if you do need to turn, make sure you steer in the opposite direction.

How to Take Advantage of Jumping and Air Tricks


The jump button is beneficial when avoiding obstacles, such as the Kraken’s tentacles on the Pirate Bay track, and getting onto different track levels, such as those found on Mulan’s course. Make sure you jump when on a trick ramp to do an air trick and earn a boost when you land.

The jump button will slow you down when used without cause.

The Best Way to Grind Rails


Blue rails can be found around the track; sometimes, you must jump to get onto them. Once you’re on, you must keep your balance by pushing left and right. Grind incorrectly, and the rail will turn red but do it right, and you’ll receive a boost along the rest of the rail, a major advantage, especially in multiplayer.

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