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Jagged Alliance 3 Ovos de Páscoa em PC

Última atualização: 19 de setembro de 2023

Aqui estão as nossas Ovos de Páscoa para Jagged Alliance 3 sobre PC. Os itens mais confiáveis recebem o maior número de "polegares para cima" de nossos usuários e aparecem mais perto do topo!

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Easter Eggs Hidden Throughout the Game

Ovos de Páscoa

Bastien's "Pretty Fly for a White Guy" Reference

On the initial island, you'll meet Bastien, a character who pays direct homage to the "Pretty Fly for a White Guy" music video by Offspring. This connection becomes evident when he casually drops the line, "I asked for a 13, but they drew a 31," while discussing his sports team t-shirt. A glance at his outfit solidifies the uncanny resemblance.

Grizzly's Rambo Tribute

Although not an exact replica of Rambo, Grizzly is strongly influenced by the iconic character. This reference refers to the original Jagged Alliance 2 game, where Grizzly famously carried a bow-tie knife reminiscent of Rambo's signature weapon. Despite potential differences in appearance, the connection is bolstered by their shared backgrounds.

Nods to Difficulty Levels

The game playfully includes nods to popular culture with the "First Blood Commando" and "Mission Impossible" difficulty levels. These names are clever references that fans of action movies and challenges will appreciate.

Livewire's Homage to LimeWire

The character Livewire is a subtle nod to LimeWire, a prominent BitTorrent client that gained popularity in the early 2000s (around 2004), eventually succeeding Kazaa. The name and context are a tribute to the software that marked an era of digital sharing.

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