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Breakout 13: Fight Guias em PC

Última atualização: 21 de abril de 2023

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How Does This Game Work and What to Expect?


The game plays like a movie or TV show in which you get to make decisions that can affect the storyline. If you decide to agree with someone, your story will branch off in a direction with them, possibly leading to them trusting you more. This will be shown in a little pop-up at the top left of the screen, showing whether it was good or bad. There is no right or wrong answer in the game; you literally get to choose the story you want to play.

The game centers around a teenage school kid who skipped school to go play games at an internet cafe. The school learns about this and decides to expel the pupil. Once the mother finds out about it, she decides to enroll her son in a new school with advanced methods.

The moment you get to your new school, you quickly realize that something isn't right. You notice another student being beaten up by the guards on campus; this is really where one of your first choices can make a bit of a difference. You can tell your mom in the hope that she'll take you away from here and that you won't be enrolled, or you can just let it slide and hope that what you saw was just a misunderstanding. In this case, it was decided to tell her, being the loving son you are and really trying to play on the heartstrings to get away from here, but instead, you get called a liar and have to apologize for what you just said.

Your mom then decides to leave you there; this is the school that you're at now, and having just snitched on the school, the principal then starts the procedure to cure you of your addiction. Now, this is truly where the shocking realization kicks in that they're trying to administer shock therapy to kids, and I hope they'll start to follow the ways of the principal.

Your objective becomes very clear after this: you need to escape no matter what the cost, and it's up to you if you want to try and find your relationships with the people around you to all escape together and bring down his corrupt system, or if you want to go alone, risking sacrificing anyone else who gets in your way just so that you can escape.

That Indie Games Guy does a helpful review of the game.

A List of Actions in one Alternate Storyline


Prologue: In the Name of Rehab: Changing Room Puzzle

Escape to find Mom is the main goal.

Remove the screws from the window bars in the changing room first. Once you've done that, you'll notice that the door is still locked. To find tools, look around the area by clicking on any magnifying glass icons to enlarge objects. You find a screwdriver on top of the locker by the door and a wrench on the toolbox and table.

Additional hints are on the table. A paper about students owing money to Officer Liu is in the locker to your left. The last hint is located in the trash. Use the wrench to unlock the screws by clicking on the window next to the door. Use the screwdriver to open the window and exit the room to follow your mother.

Chapter 1: Learn to be Grateful: Detention Room No. 4

Goal: Discover hints as to when the food truck departs.

You discovered a suspicious brick. Make a loud noise by tapping around the wall. Then you will find your friend in the other room by dragging the brick down.

Assist Nannan in looking out the window, searching the area, and then clicking each of the magnifying glasses. The writing on the wall is another hint. There is a hint under the bamboo mattress.

A wooden handle is found in the food tray. You'll get more hints from the words on the wall. There are scratches on the wall.

In the bathroom, you find an iron chain. Construct a tool you can use out of the items you found. Iron chain + wooden handle = wooden hook

Chapter 2 - A Way Out: Persuade Officer Liu

You must choose the following options in the following order to exit Detention Room No. 4:

“Bribe Officer Liu,” then "Prove by Writing a Pledge" by stating that officer Liu borrowed money from me. You flee the building once you are inside the food truck, then move on to the next chapter. 

Chapter 3 – Back to Reality: General Store – Computer Password

Find a way to communicate with the outside world as soon as you can.

Click the magnifying glass icon on the desk after taking a look around the room. Take the card inside the desk's drawer. Photos on the wall provide more clues about the shop owner, Principal Yang, and Officer Liu.

Find a martial arts belt by looking around. View the notes. Determine the date by combining the postcard and the group photo: July 3, 2010. Enter the following password: 100703. This is not enough to permanently escape, but it will spread the message.

Chapter 4 – Fresh Start: Searching for Secrets

In Nannan's dormitory room, find any items that are not permitted.

Take the sketch of Qi Miao and the one of her playing the cello on the bed underneath her blanket. Under the bed, in her shoes, is a phone. Learn more about the flowers in the vase by looking at the desk.

Another hint is the postcard she sends her father. Find a medicine bottle in your jacket by searching the closet. A sketch of you can be found in the drawer. Review your notes and assemble the postcard, the birthday sketch, and the drawing. It will reveal a hint. 

You must reduce Officer Liu's uncertainty. Continue questioning Nannan about the pill bottle.

Look around Hou Yi's Dorm

The goal is to look for restricted items in Hou Yi's dorm room.

Take a prohibited book out of the first drawer. There is a bottle of alcohol under the pillow. Examine Hou Yi's body. Look in his pocket, then down his sleeve. If you look at his foot, you'll see a payment note for Officer Liu. Choose to "give the payment note back" to reveal a secret. Provide the novel's report when questioned.

Look Outside

Search the hill and learn Xu Shanwa's secret—that was the goal.

Gather all the hints about where the dog was. Look at the desk; there is a poem. Click to see more detail: Dog hair, a buried sausage skin, and a bloated chest badge are the puppy's indicators of Xu Shanwa.

Chapter 5 – I Want to Go Home: The End

If you continue to threaten the members when questioning them, then one will give in and come clean. Principal Yang will be satisfied when you present evidence to him. Locate the diary, then select "Hand over" to Xu Shanwa. Complete the game as Principal Yang's good student by selecting "Confess the truth about that night." 

However, this is not a happy ending. Find a piece of evidence and present it to Principle Yang, then question the members more thoroughly.

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