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Linda & Joan Prologue: “Four Months Earlier” Коды на PC

Последнее обновление: 3 августа 2020 г.

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Linda & Joan Prologue: “Four Months Earlier”
  • Впервые выпущен: Jul 13, 2020

Linda & Joan is a narrative game about a British family. You play as Russell, Linda, and Joan — son, mother, and grandmother — switching between them to help the family cope with a series of traumatic events. Based on a true story. Prologue: “Four Months Earlier” is part one of the story. Part two, the main Linda & Joan game, is coming in 2022. Linda is visiting Russell in Los Angeles, where he now lives. We join them halfway up a hiking trail. You must walk them to the top. Linda is using a stick and is unable to move as quickly as Russell. Keep them within earshot and they’ll chat about Linda’s visit and the past, while trying to find the right time to bring up what’s weighing on their minds. There are multiple endings based on the choices you make — one of which involves Joan, who is at home in Hereford, UK. Play in Normal Mode (walk Russell, Linda follows) then try Challenging Mode (walk both Russell and Linda). “Four Months Earlier” is a free, standalone experience. It will take 15 to 20 minutes to complete. Featuring original music by Jeremy Warmsley.

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