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Chains of Fury Коды на PC

Последнее обновление: 3 февраля 2020 г.

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Chains of Fury
  • Впервые выпущен: Dec 30, 2020

The game is a bloody retro inspired first person shooter where you can destroy everything, including walls and doors. Who needs keys if you can break stuff? Stuck looking for an exit? Blow a hole in a wall… and then shoot what’s behind it. Show them who’s the real deal. In the Chains of Fury you are a brutal (and a bit crazy) mercenary from out of this world, with a lot of guns and who loves to break stuff, shoot stuff and get paid for it. Those who put you in prison owe you some money. Time to get it back… and did we mention to break some stuff as well? Features: - Experience the bloody retro vibe from the 90s but looks and plays like a modern shooter. -Bash, jump, demolish and cause mayhem in 6 different worlds full of levels in a destructible environment. - Awesome game world that looks and feels just like a comic book. - Destructible walls allow you to finish the level in many different ways. - Lot's of crazy weapons at your disposal: shotgun, machine gun, grappling hook and shrinker, just to name the few - Split screen multiplayer

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