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How to use Customization для Century: Age of Ashes на PC

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How to use Customization


In Century: Ages of Ashes, you can customize your Dragons Armour, your Riders Armour, and profile items. To be able to customize equipment or items, you can either buy them from the shop, buy a dragon pass, or through events or promotions. 

Dragon armor is created and applied to your dragon piece by piece. For dragons, the armor you can get is for their cranium, saddle, chest, and tail. Most dragons can wear armor except for Legendary Dragons. 

This is because Legendary Dragons don’t have the same body type as your standard dragons. Dragon armor might look different, but it is all designed to fit the same body type. The next set of armor you can customize is the rider's armor.

The rider's armor covers their head, cape, torso, legs, shield, and weapons. Finally, we have the profile items, which are things like backgrounds, titles, and banners.